GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

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StArting off a 701st Macro Verse to Celebrate 42 months
of Blog Poem Witnessing for God.. as hey.. don’t yA like
A Meaning oF liFe.. likely only meaningful in totaLiTy
to mE.. and sUre.. 42.. is kinda related to thaT
iN sacred number cross many cultural ways..
so why not make meaning and purpose
iN MoVinG.. ConNecTing and creAtinG
in HoLy SacRed Way of HeARt and
SpiRiT exPreSsinG thaT heARt oF
EmoTioNs.. aS SpiRiT iN miNd
and boDy BaLanCinG soUL
to regulate EmoTions..
and inteGrATe seNses
like a finely tuned cognitive
executive functioning human
race car sports car.. iN super laser
focus and German Watch-like elegant
precision too.. and hmm.. got a Lucifer
Song by Alan Parsons that FiTs thiS theMe
oF the Meaning oF liFE to mE iN 42 months
aS a total of over 3.3 million words.. Ocean Poem
total SonG oF mY SoUL way.. too.. and it’s kinda nice
that the somewhat trusty Facebook Algorithm as Video
Slide Movie Production Assistant welcomes me with a
brief early Afternoon Labor Day workout-grind to come..
even if the embedding feature for blogs is hardly working
at all for the other photo muses from Facebook way.. but yes..
aGaiN iT’s aLL free so i’ll jUst go wiTh the Flow of River Waves
in Ocean Whole Poem Field of dreAMs waY as iF iT didn’t coMe
to the pARty.. aLL FrEEd as such.. it wouldn’t be nearly as much
fun Free.. hehe.. now.. as ’42 Fred Buffet oF aLL onE Can Eat Meaning
oF liFE’.. yes i kNow and FeeL thAT IS A very LonG title as such by hey..
what the heLL.. when the whole dam thing is sTiLL approaching 4.2 Million
words.. iF iT ain’t already tHeRE.. if yA eAT the wHoLe dAM thing.. including
comment snacks that eventuAlly make Novels out of Macro-Verses allone..;)

Hmm.. and now i say.. i’m saYinG moRe.. i’Ve fELt the meaning oF liFe all mY
liFE.. jUst haven’t been able to put iT into words and practice a meaning of LIFe
in mY liFE that makes Heaven noW unTiL the end of July 2013.. at age 53.. hmm..
better late than ever and never and now is alWays the best now oF aLL to geT the
practice of life done better and better iN all the HoLY and sAcred waYs liFE can go
and FeeL and SeNse and Be.. hehe.. so sure.. iT ain’t over ‘tiLL iT’s over so go ON..
and aLways do more while liFe lives long.. iN now forevermorenowmoreeverfor now..:)

And dVerse has a Haibun and Haiku prompt as one Force of Japanese strict Nature
Form to come for Monday poetry liNks now.. and i for oNe WiLL go with my usual..
Fredbun and Fredku Free verse way.. and sure mostly it will be about Nature but
yA see Nature is sAMe as GoD allthatis for mE.. so sure that could include
FucKinG everything.. anything.. and nothing at all in only metaphor of
course.. hmm.. sure.. i kNow and FeeL.. i’M way too complicated now
for most folks.. hmm.. but hey.. i for one lEarn thaT MakinG aLL
sacred and Fearlessly Loving Holy IS A continuing path(s) and
journey wHole getting better alWays noW aS
Heaven now.. per the iSREaL KinGdoM oF
God poTenTiAL.. in neuroplastic.. noW
and epigenetic wayS Now..
WiThiN.. DNA..
set free as
metaphor.. oF
Quantum unleashed
and reLeasED miNd and
BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL
ever more now.. NOW..
theRe ain’t no strict
juSt Do it
NoW as Victory
Nike symbol as Goddess
of VicTory too.. VictorY for the
WiN is WTF.. FTW i do.. how ’bout
yA.. fight team fight team team liGht NoW..
with words and paint and dAncE FeAT oF arT..:)




Hi.. Candice.. this makes me
wanna give you a hug.. so sure
tight online hugs as ‘the
women say’.. sMiLes..
i test as nurturer
sure.. not
a gift
from a father
but yes.. one from
Saint Mother as it
were and still is.. however..
it can’t last forever as the real
world calls for an outcast.. and add
in poor.. like eating peanut butter sandwiches
every day as an only staple of life afforded with
even three part time jobs.. and life is hard and lonely
same in a college where you no longer know anyone.. this
relates particularly to at least a lost year in college.. but
overall small towns have anchors for even some of
the most outcast oF all.. so i stayed for the
anchors as Lord knows immigrating
to Canada like you did would
have tested me in
the same way..
probably even
now.. as we are all social
animals who need that connection
and roles to live with each other.. nomadic
societies that moved as villages are normal still
evolving ways of human beings.. following subsistence
and shelter together away from harsh environmental elements
but anyone on their own moving to an entirely different country
is quite a challenge.. and many women of many different countries
do this today.. including my Friend Himali.. i readily admit i am not
that strong.. to uproot my former outcast status comfort
in my role now as town jester dancing guy as such..
much.. and i really had to earn that social
role in a fight at first for
a right to dance..
with folks
in charge then..
but ‘they’ got used to me..
instead of me getting used
to ‘them’ this go around.. and i
appreciate a social role i direct..
act.. and play as now.. instead of mastered
by the control of others through decades as
the modern slave world of work does over the
freedoms of so many folks.. but sure.. the social
connection is the meat of what makes life worth
living for most ‘regular’ folks in life.. and i am regular
enough to need a social role and that connection too
as much or even
more than
else.. as
the connection
of nurture is what
brought love to me and
keeps it that way all fuzzy
and warm.. like Bowling Alley
Cheers Life where Norm is Strange as Norm…
ironically so.. comfortable in my crazy own sKin.. Free..
Hope you live in a wonderful place now.. my friend.. i’M
thinKinG the U.K.. if i remember what you may have said before..
Yeah.. and i’LL use ‘Life in a Northern Town’ for this.. but wait..
nah.. i’LL use ‘Fast Car’.. working at the Bowling Center then..
close to minimum wage before they converted it into a
Federal Job.. living at home still at age 26.. still
with a 1970 Maverick with no AC or Heat..
dating a woman i met at the 2001 Club..
later to find out she was already
pregnant by someone else..
but i stayed as i was
so lonely..
she on welfare..
spent a few nights
at the projects.. ate
some welfare cheese
too.. as she had a little
girl too.. i bought my first
cheap apartment and had
the only second removed
four person family
i would
i’ve been
around my
friend.. and
it all ended up like this..
there is always room for
change.. there is ALWAYS
i Love you Friend..
with hugs of words..
as i know the place
of not only the lost
but the
poor in
spirit too..
waiting for a fast
car to escape in FliGht..
mine came in twinkle
toes of stars and fingers..
never ever would i have placed
myself here then.. beYond my wildest dreAms..
never give up.. and never stop dreaming.. my friend..:)

Smiles.. this didn’t make the comments section for
the post you just erased but i really liked it
and this is an additional benefit
of always
before post..
this one is for that one..;)



Hi.. again.. Candice.. A Baker’s dozen.. A Baker’s
mind.. 6 and a half
of brain
or more
of what
a soUl can
expand or retract
to be.. an act of mercy..
an act to restrain.. an
act to save.. a Baker’s
Act of prison for weeks
then days.. first @21
manic as expanded brain
can go.. and then at opposite
side of black hole soul brain..@47…
like i said..
been around
in that other comment
in that other place too..
and too.. both places of the mind that
wanders too far.. as sure.. all reaLiTy
that human constructs IS A Narrative story
of what they’ve been told and shown or what
they create for themselves.. the
rest is moving
and smaller
parts and tapestry
whole.. and then there
IS A inner UniVerse of hUman
soft and cozy.. wild and crazy now
and or dark and dim.. and a spectrum
oF aLL.. the inner Universe more complex
than any God Dam astronomer has ever seen
of space.. these stars of Neurons.. connected
as Stars above.. trillions of paths.. journeys of
memories that change at pace slow
and fast and
blur of
now.. to go places
where no one has gone
before.. still frontiers within
of Star Trek BRain
but now then..
the worst place
oF aLL is when it all
dies inside.. when the smiling
face of the schizophrenic looks like
heaven compared to a schizoid world..
when schizotypal magic thinking beats depersonalization
and dissociative identify disorder and beyond anhedonia
of no feeling at all.. where anxiety clamps down on
chest muscles and suffocates panic
attacks as death
as only
can do for false..
and real fears at
organic level of neuro-chemicals
and neuro-hormones the same..
where Alexithymia.. separates
language and emotion as well..
in empty place of hell..
where all of it is
an Invisible Universe
and sure.. pain disorders
the same that no one sees
but the person who lives in
an entire UniVerse of Hell within
now.. all trillions connections of
Neurons working as
a symphony
of devils eYes
real that view
flames that are
only cold and felt
by those who suffer
as the furniture and the
couches no more human
than the WALLS in the room..
where the sound of the AC vent
cannot be separated from self or
others different or same.. So how does
one paint the dark UniVerse of the soUL..
will labels from the APA do.. or will one have
to go to hell to see and feel it for oneself.. yes
you will.. yes you will.. as there are no windows in
hell.. there are no doors.. to get in or out..
all there is
is time
in hell
where a thousand
years is one second..
beyond any pain or feeling
or sensing of nothingness
that is nothing
at all
an electron..
a last one swirling
around a nucleus of life..

Ha.. and people ask me
why i am so happy.. been
there done it.. ain’t going back
to hell ever ever again.. once you’ve
been ThErE.. happiness IS A FucKinG Olympic
Sport you practice and never ever FucKinG GiVe uP..:)

And you know what.. when you get out.. you tale the entire
world in every way you can.. how to NOT go there the first time at
all.. and you only want to get a gift large enough to tale folks
what it’s like to be in hell.. only poetry can do the job..
or screams of paintings.. etc..
labels are just clothes
no sKin of HeLL..
and the most hilarious
part is folks think there is
a worst place than this after
life.. something as wimpy as
burning in fire for eternity or something
like that when you only wish someone would
douse you with flames to feel anything at all..
or at
to end
it all
the thing is
we are born to live.
we are born to live..
and this is what makes
hell the worst place ever
is you still have no choice but to live
without a trigger or another tool.. to an exit out..
and nah.. i didn’t mention the 19 medical disorders
including the worst pain known to humankind.. named
trigeminal neuralgia from wake to sleep.. for 66 months..
the dentist drill pain that never ended until i went to the
worst place of all in nothing.. and wished for
that pain to come
a feather
of heaven in hell..
there are places that people
go.. there are places that people
go.. that not even the bravest demon
of the soUL..
it has no label
but hell.. my friend..
nor does that gravity
of word do it justice for
what most folks think hell is..
and sure there IS A Song for this
named “Hail to the King’.. where
one has been both devil and hell
and there is no difference.. but Life..
and then one knows and feels who and
what God is..
all is connected..
all is interrelated
and the other place..
where there is no place
of that for either Devil AND Hell..
so.. I kiss the ground beneath me..
the sky above me.. the flesh that
moves in the night as dance.. and
the blood that warms my bones.. Hail
to the bones that feel my Friend.. ALIVE..
Stars oF eYes SuN that are no longer only duSt..
GoD sKeYes..


Now.. a happy change..
to Earth.. Wind and Fire..
Star.. and back to dVerse..
dOne the Fred Fu at the gym..
now for Fredbun and Fredku
and PoeTry witH
lInks to
about Stars..:)

And.. no more..
birds tarred in oiLed
in pits of HeLL
wE riSE.. We aLivE
We are Star BriGht.. HeAven nOW..
KinGdOm oF God WiThiN aLiVe weAre..:)

11:27 p.m…:)

Diatoms of Stars
in Moonlit waters
of Ocean spRay..
Lovers reflection
as salt water
skin.. gLows..

of eYes..
reflecting Love..:)

Fire fly
eYes stars
humans noW
love lit candles
wonders magic..

Fire Fly

Star liGht.. Star briGht..
so far aWay.. eYe viSion
too dull to see you..
sHades don’t hELp..
enough as seNsuaLitY
noW to be you inside..
outside.. above.. so
below and all aRound..
star stuff are wE.. eYes
Of LoVinG Star duSt.. every
star iF iT could.. Jealous
oF stars
aS oUr

God’s breaTh Now..
Stars.. DancE.. orbiT
HUmaN eYes..noW..:)

GreaTest star oF liGht NiTe..
Moon aBove.. ‘fore
science.. distances..

Love ‘gains
star moon

First of aLL..
Bioman aka Microman..
Hello.. i don’t think
the administrator(s)
had enough common ingenuity..
or perhaps technical ‘expertise’..
at dVerse.. to check your current post
here for the dVerse prompt.. to make
sure your last one didn’t post on the linkie..
by accident.. on the list as you don’t link often at dVerse…
‘They’ usually help newer folks with this…

Usually.. the last poem pasted..
remains there.. on the linkie list..
until it is changed to another link address..
this is the one they can’t find.. on the current linkie list…

Now.. back to your
nice Haibun about the
Southern Cross starry skies above…

People used
to treat folks like
stars enough to find/see them..
and allow them to fully clarify/verify..
and validate tHeir communication too..

i do Fredbun and Fredku
And Martial Arts Fred Fu..
the FucK aWay from
Form.. NoW..
Have a nice day..
with essence..
mY friEnd..:)

iS core
Star Force..:)

i worked for the Federal
Government for 25 years..
the form monster almost killed
me.. i left THAT so far bEhind…
noW.. i have
thE Yoda
Force bacK
as L i G H T..
aWay from the
dARk Force Form..

oF liGht
iS wHere it’S aT..;)

PerHaps.. the greAtest
star of hUman bEing
IS A star wHo shines
or not the
star of Love
comes back to them..

Star bright
Star Love
HUman Shines..:)

Cricket SinGs
SonGs of starliT
Voice.. WinGs
oFF SinG
lonEly fields
aS Night breaThes..

Rhythm.. beAT
and Song SinGs.. oN..
starliGht Cricket Bands..:)

SMiLes.. home far
enough away from
city liGhts to
see stARs
in Lone
skies away
from culture briGht…

PerHaps.. half the
magic is abSenT
ciTy liGht.. and Stress..:)

Star Nurturing
Star Monastery
sAme.. covers oF
Free rules oF led..
BrinGer oF
New noon nun
Freedom sAid..

Freedom SinGS
starlit moon
hAir reMains..:)

HUman sTars oF sHine
And absOrBinG liGht..
wiLd things shine..
morE LiGht..

Shy Stars
shy Stars..:)

Too far South for aurora sKies..
Gulf fire ceiLinG.. iN equinoX
Star Sun…
firE pasTel
coloRs oN sugaR
White Beach Love..

Emerald waters
fiRe bReath
Star oF SuN..:)

of Stars
vs.. Dreamtime
of hUman inner UniVerse..
form makes illusion of concrete
Stars form from DreAms of MiNd..
oh.. Horatio.. never visits a textbook..
or one step.. two step.. four+ step book
of methods to stay
on concrete
of beFoRe..
Miracles.. and
FruiT oF dreAms..
directly proportionate..
as Belief becomes iSREaL..

i would
be dead..;)

SMiLes.. thanks for this..
as i haven’t thOught about
my first kiss for perHaps a decade
or more.. and nah.. no first time
for the Alabama Girl
visiting a little
South in
for Virgin
boys who
only dreamed of Girls..

But only a kiss..
But only a kiss
and so much more FeeLinG..:)

Starry Starry
niGht.. as above
so beLow..;)

and the stars
oF sigNificance
aS 1 and 6 and 9
for one above.. below..
inside.. outside.. and all around
as 6 and 9 swirls Golden Spiral..
of Dancing
Feat wHo
Feats oF
UniVerse sWirL
iN BaLanCinG oF BeinG
OnE WiTh GoD oF NaTure
wHOle.. oh.. wHo new 42
iS in this
as liGht1..

sTiLL eVolVinG3
0ceAn wH0lE 4noW2..:)

Stars looKinG
Down uPon
EARTh sKeYes..
oh.. they eXclaim..
HUman eYes shiNe
BriGht HeArt too..
FeeL whAt
hUmans FeeL..
Star Children forGeT
thE BlesSinGs oF eYes
wHo FeeL.. more than sHine…

Starry Starry niGhts..
art without FeeLInG
iS oNly..

eARTh heARt..:)

MonKey arm
stay hiGh
aS liGht floaTs
hiGher BaLaNcinG
center of Gravity..
to moon

Sun says..
hiGher hiGheR
raise HoriZonS HiGheR..:)

Sooner hUmanS
reaLize NaturE
and God is onE
and sAMe.. sooner
humaNs are no longeR
doomed the do do bird
of duh
in harming
sKeYes oF
oNe and sAMe..

Apex fools
wHo kNoW
And FeeL no hoMe..:)

For those who
gRound the oxytocin
comfort receptors of feet
to Mother EartH and
see with
of sKeYes..
never are they
anywHeRe but
allone as
of HoMe..

Star liT
soils soUl Loves..:)

iN South Asia..
look up to imaginary
angles of connections
oF StarS in sky.. finding
sticks.. scratching sanskrit
alphabet copies of connections
oF sKy StarS.. iN sAnd..
and noW
wE sPeak
Star Language
as without Language
there are no Stars or
Skyscrapers of Angles
or even Angels.. aLL iS
lEft iS Essence oF GoD..
iT aLL stARs witH A prEhensile
thumb and digit oF FinGer.. noW
bits and bytes bEcoMe 10 fingers plaYinG
Keyboard oF SiGns thE sAMe.. wHeRe
iT aLL bEgan
as Digit of Finger
and Art of Thumb
comeS toGeTheR
Scratching Angels of skY..
iN sand.. now Digital Art aLiVe..

Star Language..

All caught
uP with
19 at 2:37
more when morn comes..;)



Hi.. Sherry Blue Sky.. and i muSt
say.. i sMiLe everynow.. i see/hear your
Username as when
wE so liberating
it can be.. and surely
the oTheR animals don’t spend
tHeiR lives over the worries
of hUman
are so illusory
and fabricated as social
glue of misery loves company..
in such a beautiful blue sky
gift that Nature is as God
sAMe to mE.. mY
to see
in A GRain of SAnd
sMile of a ChiLd..
purr of a cat..
and event
Lion who
captures a pARt
of the circle of liGht as LIFE..
and dArk with Pleasure and pain
to eAt.. to liVe…IS A kInG of NaTuRe..
aLL thIS gifT oF liFe moRE for
wE who come to see and feel
aLL aS sAcRed and HoLy
blood noW..
to pleAsure More..
sMiLes.. mY FriEnd..
Sherry BlUe skY.. liVe
iS PreSenT gifT for
those who
LoVe aLL liFe as Gift Now..:)


SMiLes.. perHaps.. noW..
my recent poEt exchange
with a new poet from
dVerse named
is in
order of Art here as rePeat..

HUman sTars oF sHine
And absOrBinG liGht..
wiLd things shine..
morE LiGht..

Shy Stars
shy Stars..:)

Brian replies..

I’m sure you’ve explained once upon a time,
but why write with parTIil CapS?

And i say in return..

Art of Free
Verse.. WiNks
With over
3.3 milLion
Words of LonGest
LonG Form Poem
Ever at the 701st
MacroVerse oF thaT
Ocean Whole
Poem wHerE
sEA LiFe at
Of the Ocean
Can gET
Lewis Carroll
Rabbit wHole
Strange and
Not everyone’s
Cup of tea but i’M
In iT for the Different
And never the SaMe
As i personAlly
Find inSame
A little

And now i say one line at a time
for what i currently feel my
literary device of changing
caps and little
letters mean
in a uniVerse
of a word
or the form
of a letter
or number
that hOlds the
essence of the UniVerse
wHole as weLL like the letter (meaning 42 too)
H.. that sure.. if one does the metaphor
work.. and cryptic meaSure.. could mean
two ones coming toGeTheR leFt and RiGht
HemisPheRe of the BraIN HoLdinG Hands
togeTheR for BaLanCinG miNd and boDy
H soUL.. 11 same symbol for east and west
hemispheRe oF GloBe coMinG toGeTheR
HOldinG hAnds toGeTher with North
and South Latitudes oNliNE
iN E-Ways noW..
sAMe for
two 11’s
22 sAme..
for fOur BaLaNcinG
all around the World as
Now.. but yA see iT iS a little
more than that iT is the reaLiTy
that all huMan siGn LanGuage is
metaphor iN only approximation of
the essence of GoD oF Nature reaLiTy
that lies beneath the TRuTh and liGht
and Dark and Lies of hUman symbols too
aWay from Greater lights of essence sTiLL
juSt waiting.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below
and all around.. to groW as OcEAn wHOle poEtry
oF aLL arT and sciEnce hOlding hands as H strong
noW for hUman poTenTiAl all as one big TenT to be
reAlized more and more and more and more.. and not
stuck in the literal dogma of poems interpreted this way
and not that way more.. for example..the F iN Bible/Kuran that of course
IS A tool(s) for social bonding more than actual essence oF TruTh and liGht..
and more on that in a while of course.. as the SonG oF mY SoUL moVeS oN..;)

And oh boy or girl.. etc.. and or whatever.. here is another here too..;)

Where Lady Nyo requests clarification
if i am writing a comment or a poem..
in response to her poetry..
so i say.. in return
to the comment
poem i
here as
repeated from earlier..

GreaTest star oF liGht NiTe..
Moon aBove.. ‘fore
science.. distances..

Love ‘gains
star moon

SMiLes my FriEnd.. Lady Nyo..
aLL i write is poEtry..
it’s kinda what iS
required when one
is currently wriTing the
Longest Long Form poEm
ever.. i find inspiration around
the world.. and you juSt happen
to be a current one on dVerse.. but
sure i alWays bRing deeper meanings on topic..
but you kNow/FeeL.. not all poeTry
is meant to be twitter
style and easy..
so when
i go this
deep iT
iS a meASure
of mY respect for
yOur poTential understanding..
and in this case.. i was seeing yOur
poem in a way wHere moon becomes
star and StiLL meets the requirement
of the prompt.. your paragraphs are
short.. it would be silly
for someone
to complain
about the total
length.. and they
will not ’cause you
are vanilla enough in form
of poetry to meet the overall grade..
sMiLes my FriEnd.. tHere IS A HiStory
bEhind different
and it
remembered more..
i already wrote the longest
long form poem in the history
of hUman Kind at over 3.3 million
words and in doing so witnessed
for the God of Nature.. and no..
no myths.. now for 42 months..
and have danced in public too..
3 years now for about 6K miles
at the ripe age.. 56.. i do things
most folks couldn’t imagine doing..
’cause i live noW as
aRt from fingers
to toes
of my liFe..
the deeper story
is i went to a literal
hell on earth for 66 months…
but the full story is actually about 12M
words online since Thanks Giving
day.. of November 26th 2010..
it could be safe now to
say that A “Beethoven..
or Einstein.. and
perhaps Whitman..
Blake and more”
crossed your path
today.. now..
per empirical
measure of course..
as i ain’t in this for likes..
shares.. followers.. or a dollar
bill.. i am in this for the heaven of now
as Art as liFe.. and that my friEnd IS
A continuing Epic liFe practice noW..
and no.. i’m not REALLy crazy..;)
25 years of retired Government
service.. 3 college degrees.. best..
a beautiful loving wife who never ages..
and all that i document in the longest
long form poem ever better named
as SonG oF mY SoUL.. key being
it is
in all the
ways that comes..
including selfies with
1000 plus dancing girls..
anyWay.. now.. i don’t miNd
explaining.. writers bLock noW
is not in mY uniVerse.. mY friEnd
as use or lose applies to all stuff
animal life.. and i make the most of
every second of liFE.. maKinG iT aLL
holy and sacred from head to toe..
i find your
poetry inspiring..
and as i as me now..
the greaTest compliment
i could receive is if someone
responded to my poeTry with
the greAtest art at the moment
they could do.. but haha.. some folks
are worried about copyrighting art.. as
sure they feel like they own art.. nah.. i can
not sell
my soUL
like that
iT is free
for the sharing
and giving everywHere i go..
and that is the secret
of the epic
success of
my liFe FReED as ArT NoW all ’round..
mY FriEnd.. Giving and Sharing FREE..
and if tHeRe is ever anything you don’t like
you see me write here as you come back on
the dVerse trail.. you are welcome to delete
or even moderate me out.. as sure i’ve
experienced that too.. even
by the leader
of the band
and his
RiGhT hand
Haibun friend..
in short.. i copy
and paste to my
longest long form
continuing free verse
poem every now before i
press the post
post comment
i go.. now
in the 701st
of around a half
a Novel now or so
size in three days…
this.. another micro-
verse of that Macro-
Verse of Ocean wHole Poem..

has no
limits.. FriEnd..

SAdly.. some folks

i can’t..

i’Ve been to iSREAL heLL..
where all is limit and
there is no art @aLL..

i CAN..
i WiLL..
Do aLL MORE..noW..
witH Fearless LOVE..
tHeRe is nothing Luke
Warm aBout me.. as i’Ve
aLready been to n0thing @aLL..:)


So.. what next.. sure..
Now that’s a very positive title for a first few of very symbolic and cryptic
Macro-Verses as shared by the more cooperating Facebook
Algorithm.. that is once again
giving me access
to edit
new words
for memories
from three years ago..
for some algorithm bug
reason.. it seems.. i couldn’t
get access to my year ago.. profile
pic photo.. as memory yesterday with
my Bart Simpson Last Perfect Man
T-Shirt.. with Katrina and
Dance Friend
just for fun..
of course.. to write
some more poetry in
small talk way too..
as sure it
kinda deeply
symbolic and
cryptic around
here too.. hehe..
just a reminder that this
is art.. and i am just another
dude sitting in his underwear behind
a keyboard.. currently fresh out of potato chips
to snack on.. haha.. in other words i have no
delusions i am THE savior of the world..
as it will take an entire army
of saviors to
get a job
of saving
folks from real
iSREaL heLL today..
but sure there are folks
who are so.. so different who
have come along the way who have
helped with much toil and trouble in a lonely
hearts club band of sorts.. to help set people free
in ways.. of emotions.. senses.. and sexuality too..
and yes.. oh God.. Dogma too.. the paRt of human nature
that says if you do not believe and act on what i literally
tale you in written and spoken words you will
lose face in the social
group and
never get
a job and F iN
Starve to death..
and this is where Aleister
Crowley.. played a part last
century as the so-called Wickedest
Man in the World.. who believed in following
a true will in accordance with Nature’s Will too
aka God iF you WiLL too.. but yes.. Mr. Crowley
was challenged emotionally and empathically
of course.. as torturing small animals
when young.. and leaving
fellow mountain climbers
to die on snowy
death trails
does sTiLL
now show..
as if you didn’t
kNow/FeeL some folks are
born without the ability to feel
other folks pleasure.. now for the
compassion and feeling empathy
of feeling the pain of others in averse
way.. in fact.. some folks brains in innate
and organic way are so fucked up that to then/now
see other folks in pain brings them organic pleasure..
and yes.. the brain can be re-wired by environment of
social stresses to go this S and M Way of being too.. as
a somewhat twisted practice of life where pain and pleasure
becomes one.. but let’s remember the animal Kingdom as whole
as Cat Sex is not as fun for female cats as human animal women
sure.. and yes.. there are gang cat rapes.. as nature shows
all who are ‘gifted’ with penises with barbed tips that stick..
too.. the undomesticated cat.. is a wild one.. there is
no doubt about that any less than
big cats sure..
and yes..
even in human
beings the aggression
and pleasure centers are
closely related.. and it doesn’t
take too much to get that all messed
up for more pain than pleasure.. aggression..
yes.. raping warring ways of being.. when the Garden
of Love as empathy and compassion is not continually
watered from birth there on.. wars on soils.. spells
less empathy and compassion for those
who enter into a pact
of spilling
live by love
or die by the sword
is deeper than just metal
of words.. empty feelings.. cold
ways of raping and warring beings..
gives an explanation still of why there
is so much misery and suffering still promoted
in sections of Kuran and Bible still for the fair
gender as woman of the human race still..
Aleister was born this way into
a pastoring Christian
and without
fear and regret
and worry over being
accepted or not in the social
group gave him a certain cold
advantage out of the group warm
and fuzzy social empathy of singing
off the same sheet music of church no
matter how craaazzzzy in illogical ways
of reality it was.. like Love your enemy
and hate your children.. in the same
New Testament whole.. live
by the sword.. die by
the sword.. and
i bring a
sword and
not peace for all..
sure folks over look the
bad parts.. but when it starts
out as if you don’t believe we will
burn you at the stake.. or imprison
you or crucify you.. as still happens in
some extremists Islam ways.. you tend
to cooperate no matter how illogical and
out of reason written words are just to get
basic subsistence and survival from
day to day.. Religion by Force
works for obvious
reasons of
fears and
punishments and
to suggest there is
no compulsion in Muslim
religions is to truly have
a huge board in one’s eYes
bigger than the Titanic perhaps now sTiLL
but yes.. i have been witness to online friends
saying there is no compulsion for religion and
on the other side of the mouth say.. i’m not gonna
condemn the burying of Lesbian women to their
Chest in Iran.. so they cannot cover their eyes
when stoned to death.. pushing homosexual
folks over roofs.. and prison for
adultery after
you’ve been
at age 12 by
a 60 year old
man.. and such
as that as cattle to breed..
Aleister’s advantage was.. he
inherited his Dad’s bucks and did not
have to conform to what society said to
live.. he went out on a vision quest.. true.. without
much empathy and compassion but never the less back then..
he experimented with his human potential and even science
is vindicating in part some of what he found to increase human
potential.. particularly what he named as sex magic.. increasing
intent of change.. which as science shows now.. lust increases
dopamine creativity in the brain.. and that makes productivity
and results a more happening thing for now.. as action
karma will make consequences in a life fully lived iN
BaLanCinG oF lust and love entirely across
the life span.. and something
that just doesn’t
quit all together
after a couple starts
and stops in act of
making children.. hmm..
prudish ways of being.. like
saying lust is only for the procreative
acts.. don’t even understand tHeir greatest
God Given potential as a balance of lust
and love from wake to sleep across the
life span.. to be all that we
can be all the
nows that go
on in a real BaLAnCinG
Act of Heaven isREAL now..
hmm.. sure.. Aleister was all about
Freedom.. but when he contacted his
inner creative voice that he gave some kind
of Egyptian God beings a name for.. instead of
seeing it the essence of creativity whole as generated
by nature and nurture same in genetic memory too..
it was rather harsh.. as a psychopathic
non-prosocially emotional feeling
dude might be.. and do.. and act oN..
was not good
and for weak folks
when science clearly shows
now that compassion and empathy
in the social cooperation of human being
is the pARt that even allowed us to develop
written language.. collective intelligence and
culture as complex and crazy and good as it can get
now too..anyway.. when i first heard Sting.. the Singer
from the Police say he studied this man’s writings..
i kNew there had to be something deeper
than just another psychic reading
in an old falling down
building on the
outskirts of
town to
make a buck
for another meal
as such for charlatans
too.. and true.. he saw love
as the greater perfection of
human potential set free with
True Will as BeinG BaLanCinG
with Nature aLL.. but he was missing
the soft and tender pArts.. of kitty purrs
and puppy smiles.. no less really in some
ways as John Nash and his social game theory
that did not take fully into account the human
heARt… yes.. Mr. Crowley had some liGht stuff
mixed with dArk.. and perHaps the Beatles
secret name for Him as Sargent Pepper
as metaphor for the Devil’s
Chief of staff this
man who named
himself as anti-christ
embraced as part of his
cold and unfeeling nature too..
struggling with addiction as these
folks with this brain issue that is broke
often do too.. he was just another human
with ups and downs finding his way.. and in
his own way he did try to help folks in the way
he saw life then.. sadly though his promotion
of substance drugs to enhance the creative
experience of life.. has in part
motivated the
demise of
Rock and Roll
Musicians like Jim
Morrison and others
along the way.. the key is
as even he and Buddha says..
don’t take anyone’s words as the
gospel truth and light for you.. as an
individual.. if for no other reason than
science shows we are not cookie cutter
humans and what applies for happiness for
one person.. is fifty shades of grey for the other
one that they really cannot help.. and sometimes
cannot change.. understanding in cognitive empathy
is the other part of love that most folks fail to pursue..
to understand what makes folks tick is so much easier to
have compassion and empathy for all.. as truly.. empirically
speaking.. Mr. Crowley was born into A hell.. either innately
or something perhaps refrigerator parents helped
to grow.. Love is the Drug that feels as
well as helps too.. Love is the
Feeling that Fills
one up
from wake
to last eye lid
close of a liFe
fully felt in MoVinG
CoNNecTinG ways with
otHeRs in Creation Activity FuN..
with of course the struggles and grief
of loss that is part and parcel of actuAlly FeeLinG Love..
And yes.. the Catholic Church and early leaders like
Saint Augustine.. promoted a way of life
away from nature real
and suggesting
have original
sin too.. truth
and light be told..
there is more original
sins in books than Nature
ever does when Free as US..
more on this in the attached Macro-
Verse link too.. and so much more all over
free net too..
that trUly iS beCoMinG
more and more the SonG oF the
Entire Human Race SoUL.. for an
unabridged almost InfiNite light of hUman Bible NoW…
We live
in very
and freer days..
the best of days are now..
for those who seek.. find
and practice Heaven NoW..
settling juSt for what some
folks sAid thouSands of years
ago.. iS tRuly weak aS God Given hUman NaturE Now..:)


Casino Royale Wolf.. a Macro Verse Memory
from two years ago.. a year into monthly
trips at Biloxi Casinos by then..
and utilizing more
my iPhone5s camera
then to capture
Nature’s beauty wHole..
Human Freedom lives wiLd
from head to toe to eArth wHole..:)

Casino Wolf Royale

And with all that said..
now for Sun and Sand
Dance and sure
for folks
as brave
as Sting..
i’m alWays
available to answer questions..
and hey.. i ain’t even effectively blind anymore..
and can hear music of beauty as well as seeing art oF liGht morE noW..
mY Way
more as
Heaven aLL NoW2..:)

Oh by the way..
per Ghost in the Machine..
and Sting’s 666 reference
to the great 666.. that Aleister
Crowley identified himself as such
that the Police and Sting show as
cover art on their.. album
in broken computer screen
symbols then now as such..
is likely at least
in reference
to Aleister
or someone
who teaches
very much like him..
perhaps like Captain Salt
of the future too.. remember..
Horatio.. liFe is more complicated
than science.. life IS A canvas and
tapestry of aRt.. wHere we are aLL actors
iN a play.. that has no iSREAL distance
space or time.. can i prove that.. nah..
it goes much much deeper into
a rabbit wHole
of Lewis
than i can
create foR Now..
i FeeL and SenSe
volumes more oF iNformation
deep deep within than i currently
can put into words.. but as ‘they’ say..
makes noW
more practice
and leaps of greater
understanding coMe as
aRt of HeARt.. SpiRiT
ExpresSinG sO muCh moRe
as miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG
soUL foR nOW more..
paths do
come paths
go and the
journeY of living
Loving Life fearlessly iS noW..
and 35 years ago to date on September
6th 1981.. 9061981.. is when my first
Vision Quest at age 21 was in full swing
then.. and sure that was the year this
song by
the police
came out
too.. Secret
Journey.. for mE
wide wake.. wiDe
open as Synchronicity now2..
i lived in a place and time
then wHere the only hope of finding
deeper meanings of liFe were through
musicians like the Police.. Rush.. Led
Zeppelin and Styx who not surprisingly
now most all had some connection
to the freer teachings
of Aleister
Crowley then..
God is an equal
opportunity employer..
God doesn’t discriminate
against folks based on
how God makes
noW as both dArk and liGht..
never discount anyone has having
trUth and liGht and to yoUr best
future.. never discount anyone from
having liEs and dArk.. wE are all hUman
dArk and
liGht as that
iS Nature and God2..
1 bottom liNe noW STiLL2..:)


Still haven’t made it
to sun and sand dance..
but dVerse has a newest
Tuesday prompt with
inspiration as wishing
as its theme.. wishing
is the verbal act of believing
in positive thoughts of let it
be written too and it shall be done
as Kingdom come iSREAL noW for
those who still remember how to click
tHeir golden
spiral slippers
noW of fearless
Love toGetHeR
to make magic iSReaL
and sure as science shows
the act of belief per prayer of
what they name as placebo
pill is as real as the same
Nocebo effect that
in literal
can make
one sick in ways
of thoughts.. actions
and consequences too..
bottom line.. we have a lot
of say/do about the reality of WE..
what we BrinG to reAliTy all liT
uP iSREaL as real geTS noW..
make it all sacred and holy and
believe in miracles.. magic same..
do it with 100% no doubt and fear..
and faith.. hope… and belief the same..
and juST see what happens when lucid
waking Dreams come iSREAL.. if you haven’t
seen enough of them on my blogs over the last
42 months as i witness in real time now for GOD
oF naTure aLL you missed the wHOle point of this
that the hiGher power of God of Nature gifted in
human nature in terms of let it be written as
art for positive action and consequence
same is the stuff of miracles
of incredible
and more
amazing sTiLL..
anyway.. a few folks
have linked and i’LL get
a little sTart for beLiEve thEre
as thiS i what i do every now.. with
yes.. once aGAiN 100% Hope.. Faith
and Belief.. with zero illusory doubts
and fears.. with FEARLESS LOVE iSReaL
under WiLL of focus in cognitive executive
functioning in emotional regulation
and sensory integration
that MoVinG
and ConnEcTinG
and creAting
with ImAginAtiOn
tooLs of Art is what
a never ending story
of juST anoTheR mOOn
chiLd is all a’Bout too noW..;)

Life blooms with
wishes of Fearless
Hopeful Love..
in FaLL
of doubt
and illusory
fears growing
to hate.. Wishes
dream with never
doubt.. fear.. and hate..
FloWers Rose kNowS and
FeeLs onLy liGht oF Tidal Wave..:)

The sun’s sTilL ouT be back with
more Wishes..oFearless iSREALoVE..:)

2:28 pm.. 09062016


Facebook Friend Rafiah.. shares a status that says..

The fragrance in your home when
you are making a garlic cheese bread.
Heart Emoticon

And i say in return..

You remind
Me to eat..

Then later when dancing in sun and sand.. i visit her blog in smart phone way…


And then i say..
after coming inside..
with 10 fingers to play..

WeLL.. my friEnd…
hmm.. no more elegantly
painted and adorned Mehndi
for feat oF art as hands or feet
today.. actuAlly
September 3rd..
as for some
reason i never
get notifications
for your posts as
sure.. Fred alWays
comes back.. usuAlly
iN somewhat full bloom..
ah.. and yes.. sure.. youR Flower
Wilts and Blooms.. after all is said
and done.. Dr. WHo after all has
done that 12 times too.. coming
back even with a different face2..
ah.. but the essence of Face
is heARt mY friEnd.. Rafiah..
aS SpiRit eXpreSsinG EmoTioNs
oF heArt and miNd and boDy soUL
BaLanCinG isREAL now.. and it’s trUe..
the greaTEst droughts for flowers of wilt
produce the greAtest Colors of beauty too..
And that is what i like and love about my Rafiah
FriEnd.. sure.. her wilts are somewhat predictable
but her flower.. alWays comes back too.. to me too…
And by now you are finishing a full plate of Garlic Bread..
Merry and Happy will Rafiah be with a full tummy of cheese
with that Garlic Bread too.. anyWay.. like i said.. i wiLL share some with you..:)


The somewhat trusty Facebook Algorithm..
Assistant Brings another record
slide show event of my
Afternoon prelude to
store dance.. as
well as some actual
Dance related activities
at Super Walmart.. of course..
all still photos coming to my Macro-Verse
as well as i am still writing thaT as i speak now.. hehe..
what else.. OMG.. it is always so much fun to dance free
ya go like
a Dancing
Beast Mode Dude..;)


Facebook Friend Greg.. and Decades co-worker at
the Good Old Military Bowling Center at
the local Navy Station here..
provides a share of a Super-Yoga
exercise that has been circulating online
since about 2008 from a CBS Local Broad
cast station.. that’s basically a bunch of squats
without weights and your fingers holding the opposite..
left and right ear lobes.. to stimulate and balance miNd
and BoDy toGether aS oNe.. touted as therapy for ADHD.. etc..
and Autism too.. as science is truly showing the realiTy now
that the body keeps score in terms of cognitive executive
functioning in laser focus and greater short term
working memory too.. when an art of moving
all around free style comes into
a practice of every day life..
no FucKinG duh.. why do ya
think and feel some autistic kids
are already stimming around and on and on
twirling in free style whirls.. as they
AND INTUITIVELY AS SUCH.. but nah.. for years parents and teachers
have said sit and stand still.. no fidgeting.. quiet hands please.. be a good
little robot in your chair at school for 6 hours or so.. before ya go home and
vegetate in front of screens until it is time to go to sleep.. and start the
zombie still living dead routine all over again.. like a TwiLiGht
ZonE that is FUCKING ISREAL TODAY.. in most
local homes of children who live in
this brave and really ignorant
world of once what was
an invisible peoples of human
beings who moved like the big
cats on the Savannah or smaller
primates to capture prey and escape
predator.. by foraging.. in making little
to no noise on ground left foot.. right
foot in FucKinG YoGA everyday
balance.. and conserving
life giving calories
too.. by.. expending
the least amount of energy
in moving with gravity to get the
job of life done before the end of the
day comes and goes again.. and hell no..
this don’t take lessons and strict routines..
animals set free including humans are all real FucKinG
Free Verse MoVinG DanCinG BaLanCinG creatures noW when
set free.. full of emotions not repressed or oppressed
same in pro-social ways.. expressing a balance of desire
of lust and love the same.. and hell yes.. and hell no.. you don’t
have to learn this metaphor of Kundalini in a book.. more like
the video wisely says above.. it is the essence of the emotions
and senses set free in grace that most gender role stuck males
and cardboard women folks think is a woman’s gender role only
in life to move like this in grace and balance free to express emotions
and senses like an Arabian veiled dancer grinding her hips and belly
in dance for why may surely come for the reproduction and creativity
and greater productivity in life before… during.. and after the belly
dance too.. anyway.. suggesting that desire.. and lust and love
and all stuff associated with human is sinful or evil
or even original sin too.. is simply not
to be human and live in books
and words ancient and
the fall of human
who was simply in touch
with the source of Mother Nature
TrUe God and Same toGeThEr oNe noW
iN BaLanCinG lust and love for life
and sure a warrior spirit
of defense for the
gift of life
free too..
yeah.. baby.. as Austin
Powers might say.. i live
this free Kundalini RiSinG
Risen thingie in the free dance
everywHeRe i go.. where every cell
and peptide receptor for neurochemicals
and neurohormones same flow free from the
brain to the real Kundalini serpent that is
the vagal nerve from brain to gut.. listening
to higher vibration positive music.. and song
and making my entire body a groWinG synching
instrument of liGht As SinG and SonG and DancE
of God one running as river current all around my body
free to shine that light out into the Universe too.. aS SonG oF mY SoUL
GRows louder and louder.. and never ends now.. as energetic Force FReED..:)


Facebook Friend.. Michael..
shares another
super cool
En Name
for others
to use to for personal views..
and i take the test with the following
test score results all automatic
of course.. as folks
these days
ain’t too
thinking deeper
in the moment and
stuff like that.. hehe..

Success for me is
not success
Modern Culture for that..
anyWay.. ‘this’ graphic provided
by the En Name test thingie on FB..
fully illustrating artistic success in Japan
as translating the pen name Katie into what
it means
in Japanese
truly has deeper
meaning iN the graphic
art wHeRe the eye of i and the
exclamation of spirit blends seamlessly
with the canvas and God of Nature brush
aS oNe..
or in other
words it can
be difficult to
snatch the pebble
from my hand.. Grasshopper..
hehe.. with humor and lust for life too..
desiring all that is human liGht and MoVinG
from all that is hUman DaRk.. in ways of senses
and emotions that are associated with all stuff doubt
and hate..
and some great
successful philosopher
for art of human heARt and
SpiRiT exPreSsinG that hUman
heArt as mINd and BoDy sOul
eXclaimed and ‘splained in
BaLanCinG YiN and YanG
way even
per say..
and pray..
Ameen.. i say..:)


Hello.. dude.. who keeps calling for
an uprising on You Tube.. first.. of
all.. someone as fearful and hateful
as you will probably read this.. as it is
just too unusual to pass up.. hehe.. but regardless..
today.. you are going to be a muse for me.. in dArk way..
as TVC Mario.. has turned over
a leaf for light
it seems..
and i will continue
to monitor this light..
as all good watchmen and
women do.. and God’s court
reporters too.. and eventually
personally laud him for his efforts
of liGht as paRt of the longest long form
poem in history.. SonG oF mY SoUL.. also
serving Witness for God of Nature now for
42 months.. as words surpass 3.3 million
words of Praise and given Glory to the
God of Nature whole
in Yin
way too..
so sure.. in a way
you might even be famous
as soon as folks get smart enough
in years to come to understand all of
what i do in life for now.. as i’m kinda like
superman in a way.. but a thief in the night
instead.. of superman fame in the
modern world sense
of material
of course..
anyway.. i’ll leave
a link to my current
700th MacroVerse as
when i saw Mario hug that
little kitty at the end of his videos..
i knew and fELt he was onE lost sheep
iN dARk who had the potential of moving
into the brilliant liGht of the Good Cop Jesus
as human archetype developed over the ages
from Sages in the old world.. and sure.. refined
by ways of three to four hundred thousand
minor to major mistakes.. including
old testament ways..
and of course
only likely
two books in
the New Testament
as authored by Paul
in letters to the Ephesians
that are even not forgeries per say
too.. although in bible scholarship they
use another word so it won’t sound so
criminal.. if you will.. hehe.. and sure..
every pastor that goes to
a REAL Divinity
Bart Ehrman
from Princeton.. gets
these real facts about the
bible.. but some folks are too
pure inside.. like Bart.. to continue
on and hide it from the congregations…
as every coach of every football team knows
and feels to give a pep talk that focuses on the
pluses and ignores the negatives of go team go..
like Vince Lombardi did.. oh.. so well.. in the spirit
of win team.. win.. second to none.. in the spirit
of excellence that lasts far far after the
last victory song of school..
hmm… so yes.. my friEnd..
who i cannot find any
light of love
here on
you tube
channel.. not even
a shadow of love.. only
illusory fears.. doubts and
hate.. which true.. represents
the Bad Cop Jesus as literally
received in the New Testament in
Luke.. Chapter 17.. who says to follow
me you must hate your father and mother
and sisters and brothers and children too..
if their beliefs differ from what i teach.. and
yes.. who also says.. i do not bring peace i bring a sword..
well as you always try to intimidate folks here with your
big man sword.. saying come to my home and say that
to my face and there will be some kind of consequence…
haha.. of course you don’t show your face here.. so maybe
ya got some big conservative guns that are metal
instead of arms to go along
with your angry
voice here..
but as
artists like
Bruce Lee and
me.. we know/feel power
comes from grace and love
and never ever wearing yourself
out with adrenaline associated neurohormones
that just makes ya weaker after they go away..
where ya would never last 4 rounds in a
real martial arts contest with
a Bruce Lee
as such..
in a real fight
for your life my friend..
that would come as grace
and power instead of fight
or flight fear.. i come with the
Golden Love of God as gifted to
Humans and Bonobos alike.. oh
yeah.. and saying human lust is evil..
is equally bad cop Jesus too.. as the Bonobo
is the most peaceful loving lusty primate who
almost never has to resort to violence to settle
disputes as they use all stuff associated with lust
to cure that part.. and that my friend.. is why folks
who don’t repress/oppress tHeir pro-social emotions
including.. lust that is associated with all pro-social
emotions when balanced with
love.. live most
like they
do at Hollywood
parties… haha.. in
real life now.. without
even any bucks.. fame
or success in the rave of
dance hall night.. any
way.. until you show
a spark of the Golden
Love of the Good Cop Jesus..
here.. perhaps you will stay as
a proven greatest lost sheep of all
in the modern age.. but no.. you are
far from alone.. like all the staunch supporters
of the Bad Cop Trump too.. as sure.. Misery STiLL
Loves FucKinG company.. conspiracy theories.. etc..
that means as long as you spread doubt..
fear.. and hate.. your you tube
pennies will keep
coming in..
but in case
you haven’t heard..
as ‘they’ recently spoke to
on Mario’s channel.. Youtube
is going to de-monetize
‘hater videos’ like this..
and sure the
is not
nearly as
popular in making
bucks in anything you
do.. for good reason.. the
reward is in the light itself
my friEnd.. for those with the
ability to see.. hear.. and feel
the most Brilliant liGht of all.. the
liGht oF Fearless Love of the Good Cop
Jesus who has finally come back to the
earth in millions of folks and more in a Rapture of Love
an invitation by me to the liGht is alWays open.. and let’s just
say.. you will likely never now who i am.. but sure.. i kNow who
you are.. mY FRiEnD.. oh yeah.. and you know the Verse in Saint
John.. that says there will be those who come to do greater
works than Jesus did.. let’s just say.. i did Moses..
in wandering 40 years the desert of patriarchal
lands from ages 13 to 53.. with little fearless
love and creativity
of life.. and the REAL
LIFE JOB.. and Jesus
life of living with a pain
worse than crucifixion named…
Trigeminal Neuralgia for 66 months
from wake to sleep.. among 18 or so
other medical hell disorders of the heARt..
the SPiRit.. and the SoUL too.. in the DarKer longer night
of the ISREAL HUMAN SOUL.. i did the dArk JOB my friend
and the liGht witness part.. that actually started in my own
hell as of Thanks Giving day.. on Nov.. 26th.. 2010 shortly
after that i put up my Baby photo avatar with the bright
blue eyes of hope and Love on Christmas day online..
and have written close to 12 million words.. mostly
still clearly documented online as well.. chances
are if there ever could be a real Jesus.. not
just oral tradition of 40 years.. after
what seems to be a Zealot’s death..
with all those mistakes..
it could be
me or even
you.. as it is never
too late to pick up a weapon
of Love as Art and spread good cheer now..
but got news for you.. it’s all about giving
and sharing.. as rarely does anyone
make money for spreading
fearless love
and liGht my
FriEnd.. saDly as
the devil green bLack
dollar has always shown
it is the root and art of darkness
of fear and hate.. my FRiEnD.. now don’t
get me wrong.. i was trapped in that cultural
greatest sin and necessity for that cultural mark
of the ‘beast’.. but as the good pArt of the book says..
God provides for the Ravens with Food and Drink.. i actually
have more from God than i could ever fathom asking for.. but
truly for one who trUly kNows and FeeLs the God oF Nature.. GoD
is Great and more mysterious than any word in any book forevermorenow.. mY FRIEND..
And as my FRiEnD.. Mark Twain says.. fiction has to make sense but reality doesn’t.. so
your own
iS alWays
A best
way to go..
with God as Co-Creator..
as actor.. producer and Director
as my other friend.. Nike says.. by Greek Goddess of VicTORY NOW!..:)

Macro-Verse 700 Love Labor


Back to the dVerse Prompt on Wishes..
and of course in my case the power
of DancE and SonG to
change the world
in whatever little
way i can..
but juST iMaGinE..
if i now can do the stuff
i do.. what the world would be
like if everyone tried their best now
to be a greatest fearless lover.. yes..
with the stamina that now makes
uS toGeTheR a greaTest Force
oF Star dust ashes come to
liFE as HuMan
and yES..
coME aliVe…
Stamina comes
from Fearless Love
when expreSsinG HeARt
as EmoTioNs/seNses.. unleashed
and released noW as spiRit comes
in greater liGhtEr ways of miNd and
BoDy BaLanCinG soUL For aLL toGetHer..
Hand iN Hand iN MoVinG
ConNecTinG and
ways now..
and with that
said.. onto some
more dVerse Wishes..
as poeTic lINks of course
and art as it comes back as LiGht..:)

SAdly an Earth that is glass left
less than half full.. but human sparks
around the world.. over floWinG as liGht
greater than dARk.. of doubt fear and all
emotions related to hate.. sure liGht is
the other place of over floWinG Chalice
oF Love.. words are not enough.. Now..
Love Dances
as flesh
and blood
when iSREAL
greaTesT from
head to toe.. as
alWays the history
of humanKinD showS noW
toGeTheR we Are as FlesH
and blood whOle.. words
are empty without
a dAncE
of juST
DoinG liFE isREAL..:)

And as a side note here.. note more..
the greatest cultures of humankind
from smaller to larger have always
Danced toGether with uplifting SonG
oF liFe IsREAl hand and feet
toGEther touching each
other allone..
the power of
Dance exceeds words
as words are only symbols
of isReaL liFE noW.. dAncE
and SonG of Voice are what
touch greatest when feLt and
seen more than shells of words one..
Words try.. they really try.. but never
ever will exceed the SonG and DancE oF Fearless LoVe isREAL
toGeTheR in a dAncE and SonG of HumaNity globAlly now..
when the clothes of words
are taken
more than
text of chalice
less that overflowing ReAL
of the human touch that isREaL..:)

There IS A road lined with
trees on both sides.. a distant
place of dreams new each
now.. a day
of present
that never
as fruition
more as wishes
become more than
arrears of yesteryearsnows..
and there was a day of great
darkness for me.. a hypnotherapist
psychologist attempting to trance me
believing that my pain would go away..
i looked in her fish tank and
saw those aquarium
walls of pain..
i looked to
the painting
of that road without
even a distant spark of hope..
and she told me about Milton Erickson..
in a wheel chair who said humans can
do whatever they believe to do next real..
basically the father of medical hypnosis
as insurance will pay for this therapy
as a proven one to work.. but
not without emotions as
i had lost mine..
there was
no way
for it to work..
as emotions are the glue
of iSREaL magic… the powers of human
that spark the impossible into miracles
iSREAL.. and trance is to let go of the
beta wave worry mind to go deeper
in letting unconscious positive
emotions nuanced rise
to closer
from alpha
to theta brain
wave mind now
guide and master
of what inspires next..
to be as what is fELt
comes to
be isReAL..
N o W as liFE..
i’ve lEarned now to
master trance by just
moving my body in flow
for seconds.. and the reason
i can leg press close to half a ton
for 33 times at my gym.. and write
all these words.. in flow with never
thinking at all.. is the deeper parT fearless as
me rises to fruition.. as this dream trance rises
the cream to the top of my existence.. fearless
love.. my friend.. comes deep deep deep from within..
thatT painting of those trees and that road now iS onE
that goes to inFinity more of MoVinG strength and creativity now..
as Stamina CreaTinG
for fearless
Love mY FriEnd..
never ever to be less than more now..
thanks for this prompt.. Mish.. it IS A gifT..:)

sMiLes.. my friEnd.. Glenn..
i never wished for material
success in ways of money or fame..
and now likes.. shares.. followers
or even youtube pennies..
all i wished
for is love
as art of liFE..
then now..
and all
my wishes
coMe true.. now..
and with never ever
worrying about gaining
stuff in ways of newest cars
and bigger homes..
the money
i wanted
to use it or not..
what i did wish for
was one day to create..
i never worried if someone
would like it or not.. just the
joy for making something new
beyond the same of all the books
i read before.. and the paintings that
seemed to only gain dust as pages as such..
i paint
a new world
everyday now..
one that most folks
have no way to fully see..
but that is life my friend.. we
all view our UniVerses different
in what we value and come to love or hate..
all i control
is the Fearless Art oF Love
i make and do.. and truly
what else could i wanna make
or do.. but fearless love.. and yes..
that is only the liGht of mY UniVerse..
i look to the wishes of my dad who bought
a lottery ticket everyday.. and never won his dream
of another bigger material thing.. for me.. the lottery
win is in the doing now and never ever any other wish than
best that
noW can be more..
as FeeLinG and SeNSinG
more as mindfully aware..
and sure.. the Nautilus who does
now all.. leaves a shell of more behind..
iSReaL NOW best iS my Prayer and Wish for ALL..:)

Well.. while a world where all the children could be
loved and free is a beautiful wish.. how ’bout the
folks who live in dArkness..
what about the man/woman..etc..
who is born
with no empathy
and compassion as
far as organic brain
disorder too.. wHo will
have compassion.. empathy
and unconditional fearless love..
even for Adolph Hitler too.. who likely
was born as God Given dark too.. sMiLes my
friend.. life is liGht and dArk.. and until we
learn to understand.. have compassion and empathy
for the darkest ones of us.. we will never rise higher
Hitler himself..
so the next time you
visit someone who is obviously
troubled.. try to help them more..
if they seem to be confused.. don’t
chastise them.. find a way to look deeper
and help them if you can.. like looking to your
right and seeing their current poetic link
and helping them along their way.. the
same as the difficulty you used
to have when you
had problems
linking too..
and sure..
i did too much..
and your wish was for
me to do as little as you..
to live inside the circle of
your UniVerse my Friend.. some of
us do less and some of do more.. but those
of us who would chop the Sycamore tree down
before it can reach its potential height.. are destroyers
of life
no less
no more
Hitler too..
it’s not as apparent
from the short term view
but from the top of a Sycamore
it is as clear as 6 million or more Jews..
and no.. i cannot post this on your site.. nor
would i identify you by name.. as i am just using
you as a parable of sorts without a name to show that
those who
rule creativity
smaller than
what it
can grow
are the
ax of the
Sycamore Tree..
my current friend
now of Dark muse too..
it’s okay.. you kNow and
feel not what you do.. tHeRe
is nothing new about that my friend..
as human nature is limited and expansive too..
history repeats itself again.. as a wash cycle with dArk and liGht clothes..
i prefer
to go
my FriEnd..
and i jusT
do it isREAL
now.. as reported
and suggested as words
of the humble human Jesus
in the Gospel of Thomas
vs. 37 wHere
the Good
cop pARt
of Jesus said
to see God living
within.. take one’s
cultural clothes off..
and tread on them totally
unashamed. so yes.. my friEnd..
what i bRinG here IS A Naked
TrUth and liGht with
Pocahontas at
mY side..
with ALL THE
and i do greater
my friend.. just
as Jesus forecast
of others who would
come after him too.. JUST DO..
who become Sycamore taller than
before.. by never giving up..
and never
to those
cut tHeir
trees of creativity down now.. too..
blessed are those.. who never give up..
of God
as Tree oF liFE noW..
and pyramid capstone same
as a somewhat perfect practice
as storm oF Fearless love now..
rising.. riSinG.. sTill ever more..
with all the faith and zero
of ye
faith less..
my FriEnd of
dArk muse foR noW2..:)

SMiLes.. the greaTest wishes
and prayers the same for
homeless Jesus’ i have met
on the side of the road are simply
to be fed and give/share love.. and as the
raven flew
there are
still humans
who gift the wish
and prayer the same
for food.. the essence is
the light and truth where
wishes and prayers are only
forms for
the essence
of the greatest
gifts of charity
empathy and
compassion that
sees neither gentile..
jew.. servant or free..
woman or man no more..
as wishes and prayers become
essence of God’s of Nature’s higher
potential in all of us.. now.. smiles.. all my wishes
come true as i have 100% faith.. hope.. and belief..
never less than luke hot.. per se.. noW more true..
a wish
that has
no name
my friend but
God who lives within..
where ye of little faith never ever exists now..
where Happy anniversary is always now for
brothers and sisters who share the root and vine
of love
my friEnd..
as essence of TrUth and liGht..
but yes.. sure2.. Happy Anniversary in terms
of numbers to both you and your husband too..:)

Oh Lord.. a rabbit hole(s) without
a directory.. i’m kinda in
serious commenting
poetic mode..
so tHeRe
is the
i will go off course
here.. hehe.. as far
as free wishes do go..
anyWay.. my favorite
parts were the
Hiney God
for the
like the
Katrina one..
and then in a Wiccan
minute in the bible belt..
i could have gone much much
farther and much much deeper but
i am currently finishing the number 42
meaning for all stuff UniVerse.. etc..
so i must get back
do do
do dah
dah don’t
you love
that song
by the Police/Sting..
anYway.. hi.. Shawna
baby just ‘GodsUniVerse 42
HiTcHiKinG’ my way for a better
title for my 701st MacroVerse
thanks.. you aLways
inspiRe mY
You give great
creativity medicine jusT for me..
yeah.. and that thingie about your
husband saddling up or something like
that was asshat head way..
i never
miss the good
pArts of movies either..
i should have known by the
way that joon was the only
other one smart enough to
figure out
Bio and
or Micro man’s
post was but you first..
i am getting too serious4
i am slipping into A rational world2.. anY
waY.. see ya later when i finish that 42 thingie..;)

Hmm.. you juSt noW.. De..
reminded me of something
hEar.. i read A book.. don’t sweat
the small stuff but i didn’t have nearly
enough mastery
over mind
and body balance
to do that then..
hmm.. perHaps
fulfilling just A simple
wish of being wHoly iN
control within is truly
the meaning
of liFe
iN Mastery oF
control with relative trUe
Free WiLL oVer Fearless Love..
Thanks.. you just
me write
the meaning
of A liFe.. too..
aLL.. now.. A
in The Life..
i guess.. oh My
God.. i finAlly get
the answer to the question..
posed in that SonG.. by the Beatles
iN what they were reAlly trying to turn us on.. too..
In A
of E-Long Wish..;)

Wishes.. Prayers.. Hopes.. Dreams..
all these things and more.. then.. now..
and light
change over
nows never same..
hmm.. a path within..
tolerating different as all
is change.. open minds free..
a wish upon
A Star of sKeYes
alWays seeing different
neXt embRacEnoW FReED..:)

A carnival of life..
A cruise of happy
a life of storms
that float
a party of breeze
a wind secure of
please.. a place
where a feast
of rest
too.. living
as an Indian
on the Beach..
And Being Beach Free..:)

Every symbol
Every star.. now..
every gRain of sand..
potential muse for miracles..
Inside of human..
a liGht of
in more than
stuff.. essence
of muse as symbol
same.. hope.. faith
and belief.. emoTioNs
moving within.. inside..
outside.. above so below
and all around globe wE..
starry night iSreAL MaGiC
shooting star of LiFe Now..:)

Pererrations of wander
ease.. UniVerse pARts
wonder through
galaxy same..
BaLanCinG Planets
around Suns.. and Stars
of Galaxies swirling around
black hole Suns.. there are
no sidewalks in space..
only spiral
no straight line
angles of sky scraper
buildings aLL FloWinG FloWeRinG
MoTioNs aLL.. and what.. hUmans
reflections of all that is..
walk on sidewalks
and rarely
leaves wind
Grass sWaying
Spring Breeze..
A sourcE noW..
perHaps.. most aLL diSeAse..
hUman sidewalks.. no move with ease..
i wish for moRe floWers
oF MoVinG DancE..:)

if life were paint
by numbers.. all would
be a school.. all would be
pre-defined instructions for work..
all would
be a form
to fill
out from
A to Z and
only other symbols
too.. on pages of books..
and numbers
1 through
10 and
thru F
to grade results
already known and felt..
truly.. an iSReAL Zombie Apocalypse..
come to pre-determined random soup oF liFe..:)

In A dArkest
night of void..
one lEarns
the gift of knowledge..
the gift of those who love one long..
the gift of loving those the
same.. and the
gift of loss
oF all
of that..
IS A gift
to treasure
A greatest
wish.. to feel and
sense the gift of liFe..
all pales as nothing..
all lives as something..
Humans are blessed beyond wishes..
Humans live.. Humans live.. and can treaSure
a gift
of Life…
as long as
thaT gift IS A FeeLinG
SenSinG liFe iSREAL noW..:)

Now back.. after midnight on September.. 8th.. to
do some more wishes of poEtry at dVerse again..:)

i guess.. i never noticed
your age.. my friend.. as
22 seems so young for these
problems but i too.. remember 21
and endless more problems than this too..
what i will tale you.. this at age 56.. as sure each
human UniVerse perceived
is different too..
for me at least
and for the lesson
taught by many other
elders of mine then.. life
has limitless potential.. when
one finds their groove and niche
that works in life.. for me 53 years of
trials and tribulations on the Autism Spectrum
with bi-polar and up to 18 other life threatening
synergy of disorders including a real stint in hell
for 66 months with the worst assessed pain in
science known as type two trigeminal neuralgia
like a dentist drill without novocaine.. in my
case rendering sight and hearing ineffective
for anything for 33 months until each
word as a mountain of pain on
Thanksgiving day of 2010
starting one word
that is arriving
at 12 million
now 6 years in what
started as words to escape
pain that no drug would touch
to words of joy.. pain free at the
end of July 2013.. at age 53.. since
then i’ve written the longest long form
poem ever at over 3.3 million words.. but
sure.. i worked for the government for a quarter
of a century and am financially independent which
allows me to art free and dance too.. now 6K miles
everywhere i go in public too.. life can truly be limitless
once the material expectations of worldly success in
terms.. of dollar bills.. new age of likes.. follows..
shares.. the same.. in traps of perfectionist
thinking that sure as a straight
A student with three college
degrees.. i remember all
too well the
of not a blade
of grass out of place
too.. but now i revel at
imperfection and in the freedom
of that my form of essence is one
and same as elegant as planets orbit
suns my friEnd.. to be free one must find
a way first to be free of fear.. there are so
many ways to do that.. but now mind and body
balance in the first step of dance is what eventually
set me free in total emotional regulation.. sensory
integration.. as when the body becomes balanced
the mind naturally flows as two
hemispheres BaLaNCinG..
like a race-car
that is
finely tuned
for laser focus and
extreme short-term
working memory as cognitive
executive functioning super charged..
so sure.. when i see someone who has now been
in the anxiety of life.. that used to be so severe
that my Air Force Major Psychiatrist dealing with
combat fatigue veterans from the middle east said
he had never seen a worst case than mine.. ha.. i dance
in public now.. in front of hundreds of folks solo.. gone
from the days of fear.. to noted metro area dance
legend starting
that art
a grandpa
moses of dance
at age 53 then..
the poetry my friend
and 12 million words or so
now.. is just an excuse to rest
the Love of Dancing with real stars Feat..:)

SMiLes.. now..
my FriEnd.. then..
Emily self-published
all her poems in her
drawer.. lone..
now poetry allone..
is free and everywHeRe..
hmm.. i thiNk i’ll do it for free..
wish fulfilled always now.. online..
and sure.. i’LL save
30,000 printed
pages.. and
lots of trees..
that no
one would
buy.. anyWay..;)

i alWays love to say too..
life was/iS better before
the apple
of cultural
modern ways..
no luddite am i..
but stuff i never
need i’ll never
i’LL be
free from
consuming and
save the planet
more along the way..
a gift this life is.. Beauty
rings in aLL of NatuRe’s sKeYes
as Love in eYes that seem home in all of hEr.. ONE..:)

The wish
is granted..
on the first
green day
of life on earth..
the wish expanded
now with creature comforts
spilling over land filled mines..
The wish taken for granted.. the gift
is being raped more as creature comforts
spill over land filled mines of more.. the wish
can be taken back..
and grey
death with
only electrons
swirling star dust gain..
Life is the wish i love to keep..
the wish of before.. the gift of alWays now..:)

And now.. i say.. for the religions and political ideologies
that say raping the earth is okay for now.. and some who
say that now is curse
and death
is only
wake up
and smell life..
cherish it and never
look back to less than living now..
some folks will not listen.. but what i kNow/FeeL
for sure.. is folks in India.. more than anyone
else.. overALL it seems
as life
as living now..
Indians of all lands
are my kinda folks who love the Earth as
God as nature sAMe and one as self of Love..
they are
simply iSREaL folks
God’s flower children
as Nature GOD
sAMe wE Love
liGht liFe

sMiLes.. mY FriEnd..
in my life per science too..
i find that life spent in beta
worrying mind
is no
to power
the emotion of
belief.. moving
into alpha.. to theta
trance.. most anything
worthwhile as free art
comes achievable..
and material
and sure in that
way the battle is almost
A L W A Y S N O W more..
won for human happiness..
in MoVinG.. ConNecTing AnD
CreAtinG Free For aLL giving shaRinG now..:)

Hmm.. i’ve heard
that old English
proverb lots today..
about beggars/horsies..
and i must wonder iF it
came in the middle of the
bubonic plague or something..
as my
even science
shows the placebo
effect makes positive ThinKinG..
E M O T iONs oF Belief/hope/faith..
into action then consequence as reaLiTy..
and the opposite
voodoo nocebo
power can
make folks literally
sick from not wishing
better stuff come to be..
So let it be written.. perhaps even
more powerful.. as visual images become
not only set in mind but page.. of positive intent..
purpose and meaning.. chalice over flowing with
substance of belief as meaning.. or empty chalice
with nothing much inside but vacant ghost townS oLd..:)

WeLL.. a respite of beach
for me all the way through
school.. and early twenties..
until work and marriage
came and more
and more..
car loans..
and more dependence
as slave on more worries of
work.. until finally i escaped
back to that beach that was
no longer home until
my soUl recovered..
66 months later…
i am
now.. and
i ain’t going
anywHeRe but home now..
beach as i free sand.. sun
and fresh water flows in
veins now FReED..:)

Ah.. yes.. noW..
greaTest wish
alWays fulfilled..
prEsent oF now..
fully seen
and felt
Heaven now..
for me too.. alWays..
MoVinG.. CoNneCtinG
CreaTinG FReED.. most
everything else in culture is
only free muse for that to use
the devil you already kNow for pleaSure too..
iS Victory iN dArkESt liGht oF oTheRs.. sAdly STiLL..:)

What a world of heaven
could be when meaning
and purpose iS MoVinG
ConNecTinG CreaTinG
the only
cheap thrills
never include
a dollar bill.. wHere
social roles and Happiness
hOld hands as primitive folks
still do in the 20 most peaceful
small communities.. where give
and share is the only rule
of fearless love..
back dollar
bills have no devil life tHeRe..
i for one.. create my own life tHeRe..
and yes..
the evidence
all suggests as
documented as such..
it works.. it works.. juST liKe tHis..
with never work and only practice LiVinG arT..:)

Wishes have wings
of human
seNses.. STronG
and Free.. hUmans
practice these powers
as liGht over dArkness..
in all of life kind as couRAge..
don’t believe..
often fearful of the
dArk and cynical of the
liGht.. the essence kNows
and FeeLs no
liGht is liGht
dArk is Dark..
positive thoughts..
actions and consequences
and the reverse for the dARk
of liFe..
liGht hALL up SaME.. evernowmore.. LiGht..:)

Wishes Love Wisdom..
yes.. no..
rest as
and fortune..
NoW.. YeS..
Free begins
no.. yes..
Wisdom Love Wishes..:)

the first
poem to
make me
giggle.. yes..
now.. my only
day wish.. WiNks..
granted.. thanks..
it took about 15K..
or so words.. to find this place..;)

for every
wise genie..
wishes are heard..
equAlly.. dark and liGht For lEarn..:)

And that’s that
at 1:58 am.. 09082016..:)


So.. the En name test thingy..
assesses my percentage of
psychopath checklist traits at
50 percent and says i am in the normal
range.. and it’s true.. according to modern
pop psychology.. the only difference between
an X-Altruist or the archetype of super hero
and psychopath is the psychopath has no
pro-social empathy and compassion for
other living beings.. whereas the
X-Altruistic.. per archetype of
sure.. we’ll shorten that
to hero for now.. has
so much empathy and
compassion for others they
have problems separating that
from themselves.. and they end
up sometimes wearing themselves
down ’till they drain that love to the
very last giving drop.. with yes.. a potential
danger of changing from hero to villain too..
a common theme and meme in TV shows
and movies and books and other art too.. as
Human archetypes are real deals as seen in
mythology.. art.. and religions across the ages
and sAges too.. As Super Heroes iSREAL too..:)

“Give to the world
the best that you
have and the best
will come back to
Magnet art..
and Sunset
Beach.. along with
a photo of me and Katrina
as part of a Facebook Algorithm
Video Production Assistant seconds
short Wednesday After-noon pre-workout
video memory.. and the photo of Katrina and
i.. as Refrigerator Magnet art.. is taken.. me at
at age 37 and she at 27.. around 19 years
ago or so.. ago.. on the day of a 20th class
reunion for my high school.. and
nowhere near the confidence i
have now in mind and body
balance.. i had
quite a few drinks
to get up the social
courage to see my old
classmates.. some of who
were a little bit bully too..
and sure.. they said..
Fred.. you haven’t
changed and
i haven’t been
to another one
since then.. but sure..
i’ll go to the next one and
perhaps do a solo dance
at age 57 or 58 depending
on what month of May or later..
in ’18 they hold our 40th class
reunion.. amazing.. i thought before..
i would be feeling so old by now/then..
but no.. inside i feel younger and stronger
than ever before in my life as i have Yoga
Yogi Union with God of Nature alWays now..
and surely as far as i know and feel yet.. there
ain’t nothing near like that in life.. noW in terms
of anything else.. including all the FucKinG money
and material shit in the world.. that truly becomes
just shit when you at one in Yoga Union with God as
Modern Yogi or Yogiette man or woman can and will
be in the modern age.. come down from the Mountain..
out of the F iN Cave.. or off the Beach where the other
folks be and live..
so sure.. i gave my best then..
and got all the best back.. now
for free for free with GoD aLLonE..
and no.. my only son did not make it past
51 days.. but he will never be forgotten for
years to years to come.. as whose ever name
i put into my book of Ryan’s.. too.. will live ‘forever’
on servers in photos and words juST like this.. as
sure.. if ya wanna be remembered and teach some
good news to folks.. juST writE the longest long form
poem ever.. and someone will eventually count the words
one by one
as that is
what scribes
do.. who no longer
copy old sacred text..;)


Love sMiLES.. Macro-Verse Memory
from a year ago.. as the Facebook Algorithm
does its daily duty as super assistant for me too..
hmm.. 14,777 words.. seemed like a lot then as
most to that date in one blog post.. but 41K and 51K
would come after that in combo posts of Novel size..
and then a years worth of responding to every dVerse
prompt and link would make a 338,630 word Macro
Verse Novel named GodsUniVerseNovel 3 as
complements to 1 and 2 respectively
of 41 and 51K words as mentioned
above/below.. anyway.. this is
one of my
Macro-Verses too..
particularly.. a threesome
photo of Maggie.. Cortney and
Chelsea left to right.. as highlighted
and lauded as dance friends in last post too..
but i cannot honor them enough for making me
feel accepted in the Big Seville Quarter club first
in the Summer of 2014.. after doing that for just
3 months.. Chelsea the first regular dancing friend
and then Maggie.. and then Cortney.. i still
remember the first time i saw
her in the mall store
she worked and
they already
seen then..
and heard about
my public mall dance..
as Cortney exclaimed she
was so excited to see me there..
like i was somebody.. but i was
a dude who enjoyed dancing free..
and sure i have done ‘some stuff’ along
the way that is surely strange and far far
out of most any cultural box.. but they are
still dance friends to me in real life.. and every
time i see them.. they make me smile.. and OMG..
Maggie.. if she is Irish or something.. that girl can
dance so fast.. the last two times.. i had difficulty
making that first press of close to half a ton
in leg press way.. after dancing with
her on the previous night..
anyway.. so fun
it is to have
friends that
keep coming back
as love smiles as dance
as humans have always done
toGeTheR for non-verbal innocent
human love toGeThEr as one emotional
and sensory force of dance hall liGht.. hmm..
what else.. life is good.. life is good with SonG and DancE
and folks to move.. connect and create with free.. hmm.. the
meaning of life is to DancE and SinG toGetHEr with fun like this..:)


You kNow/FeeL if Jesus really said those words that folks would come and
do greater works then he.. sure.. Katy Perry has done it and many
others too.. in spreading unconditional love for all others too..
in fearless ways of billions of youtube inspirational views..
but i like to think.. if all people could come back
after being crucified in so many ways
after promoting gentile.. jew..
servant.. or free.. woman
or man.. disabled person..
or homosexual or what ever
difference that sets folks apart..
as fearless love gone away and
toGethER One.. that they could come
back in another life and just dance for fun..
and spread all the love they like for iSREAL
noW.. 2.. anyway.. i am here.. i am different
and i am juST doing iT no matter what..bottom
and top line
sAMe noW..
i AM FReED..:)


Human Nature.. so diVerse
and so unfair as to the lots
given in life and earned
as well..
glad i’ve
worn many shoes
dArk and liGht as it gives
me so much patience for the lot
of other folks.. and what i kNow/
FeeL for me.. is dreams come
true.. what
i FeeL/kNow
for me is beyond
nightmares can be
pARt of rEality too..
there is heaven here on
earth and beyond any imagination
worse of hell too.. and i was weak when
young and stronger than ever at 56.. with
more dances than ever in the dance halls of life..
Happily Married.. so sure.. even when i was dead
in life.. i couldn’t get mad at Nature for the gift of liFE..
in all the liGht and dArk that comes.. oh yeah.. and for Bi-polar
folks on the Autism Spectrum too.. and all those other functional
disabilities too.. but yes.. what i do know and feel.. no matter how
ye of little faith i had for a better day then.. it all changed like ice-cream
and steak all free every day.. but you see.. i didn’t forget the value of the
daRk niGht of the soUL either of challenge in life.. and that
is the secret of my happiness too..
to challenge myself in
dArk sTiLL as
weLL as liGht..
where i for one can
say.. on my death bed
kingdom come now iSREAL..
i lived.. i lived and what would i do iSREaL now
if ‘you’ lived like ‘you. were dying everyday now..
after you came back to life while living dead..
i think there is a song for that.. yes there is..
and everynow.. i fulfill the prophecy of that
SonG iN ReAL TiMe iSREaL NoW for sure…
bottom line..
change can
be the greATest
gift of aLL.. where a chalice
with no substance aT all
can overflow
liFe more..
what i thought was
literally impossible before..
is miracles every day now more..
but sure.. a friendly turn of a card has become
my life too.. flowing in a current of liGht one way.. home..
anyWay.. friEnd.. gigoid.. i hope home more.. becomes a light for you too..:)



WeLL.. noW.. mY forever
friend.. Lala Rukh.. liGht Love..
is in the MoVinG.. CoNnecTinG
and CreaTinG of LiFe and you speak
to all these qualities of life in the reminisce
you provide here from your youthful days of family..
and surely the warm and fuzzy feeling
of family is what we want
to retain from birth
to death
ah.. extended
villages of the human
history.. where all raised
the child as prize over ownership
of human slavery.. oh.. the days of
human nomads.. where once the village
traveled to escape the negative environmental
elements that would take the village away from
subsistence and survival.. now.. the days of nuclear
families even less than two to one.. living
in apartments of AC with
porches never
and couches
that have become
places where electronic
screens sing beyond
the lost voices
of humans
to each other
in SonG of Voice
and DancE of non-verbal
communication as even a flesh
and blood smile IS A hUman Dance..
mY friEnd.. so we reach out on these electronic
devices in prayer.. hopes.. wishes.. dreams.. and reminiscing
to days of old.. we wish to reclaim as liGht and Love once again
for the warm and fuzzy touch of the human village dancing
’round campfires of moon-lit nights.. hand-in-hand.. with
each oTheR and aLL that iS as anature beyond
as God all.. deep deep.. inside.. outside..
above.. so below and all around..
sMiLes mY FriEnd.. online..
visual images..
and words that
make the warm and fuzzy
human connection in all the
pro-social emotions that spRing
forth from art of hUman iMagiNation
and creatiVity is all liGht and Love that
refuses to yield to entropy as liGht moveS on…
timeless.. ageless.. no matter worn of flesh against
environmental elements.. the soul can grow unlimited
younger my friend no matter how old it is.. as bathed in liGhT
of the greaTesT gifts of hUman Love.. so sure.. liGht goes and
comes back.. and it makes me so happy.. to see you come back
again in jUST the span of a few days to spread some more force
as Love..
Happy liGht
my fRieNd Love
travels far.. far far.. to another
galaxy of hUman heARt.. spiRit
and SoUL groWing Ocean whOle with GoD onE..
Oh.. yeah..
and i hope
you enjoy
the liGht Force
SonG by J. Lo..
with Love..
and F as an..
alpha numerical
number 6 of golden
spiraling sixes forevermorenow..:)



sMiLes.. my FriEnd.. Rytha Ephua..
from South Africa.. if my memory
serves me correct.. or perhaps
it is another pArt of
Africa or perhaps
i am totAlly
and you
live in the U.S.
but never the less
you are a global citizen
of the world of one Race
of human beings.. and i am
wondering here why i did not
at the poetry prompt on wishes..
@dVerse.. see this beautiful poem..
aS ‘Hallucination’ that we all will never
be unhappy again.. and yes.. my friEnd..
this is my wish and dream for all too.. and
i could not have written the words any better
than you.. so i will link this poem to my Newest
Macro-Verse number 701.. that i am naming
as part of the longest long form poem
ever still surpassing 3.3 million
words as ocean whole
for this
particular one at number 701..
as ‘GodsUniVerse 42 HiTcHiKinG’..
and at the very bottom.. i am going
to liNk your poem here.. as the meaning
of life.. For my friEnd.. The Meaning of liFe..
is truly the empathy and compassion that says
humans can have.. fearlessly and unconditionally
as Love for their fellow human beings.. it is in the
contact of Love that makes life worth living in flesh
and blood holds of hands… and words and visual images
online that attempt to approximate the beauty of all human
Love toGetHer..
i Love you FriEnd..
i don’t have to know you
well at all to Love you.. all
i have to kNow and FeeL is your
humanity.. the same DNA that i share
as gifted by God as all that is.. that we all
share at core.. of loving hands that say..
no separation.. from all that is..
we are all friends
and we all can
wish others
the best of
happiness as liGht and Love now..
so.. Spring forth a new light each now
my friEnd.. and may the liGht of yoUr Love
never dim any less than brilliant as A sMiLe
now from GOD’s Lamp gRoWinG briGhter as wE..:)



Ask God and
your wishes shAll
be granted.. but first
eliminate all illusory
AsK God
as liGht
for Love
as the only
wish and Love
WiLL Live as you..
and when any two human
beings connect as friEnds..
another Multi-Universe of God
is born.. no different reAlly than
when each human becomes
incarnate living
as paRt
of God wHOle2..
Clarity is in the Loving
all whole as LiFE.. Tragedy
iS in the separation from God whOle..
the first step iS in letting go of fear.. and
hOlding each oThers hands as Love.. and
perHaps a Happy Dance then.. free style as
God Flows in GolDen SpiRal Sixes as surely
the Golden mean found in essence of
Pyramids is what lives longer
than just a pharaoh here
or there.. who
wanted to
tHeiR KA spiRit
for ages to come..
no longer must we be
slaves to construct the KA..
as the actor.. from Producers
and Directors of other
a new age
has arisen..
where we are
the actors.. the producers
and co-creators WiTh God
to Direct our plays toGeTheR
like never beFore in this Greater
liGht wHere our culture and technology
brings the liGht of Nature hOlding hands
globAlly as Love groWs oN as floWers
iN all new ways as extension of
God’s hands
as greAtest
gift of hUman
Fearless Love..
so sure.. the meaning
of liFe can be also be found
noW in a Chinese Restaurant..
on a bathroom stall.. named
as King Buffet.. and sure..
A Buffet of Love that
to die..
can be
found as pyramid
of 42 now.. ALIVE

And with that said.. this
draws to a close.. for now..
this number 701 Macro-Verse…
Now.. it’s Sacred R and R Holy
Thursday for me.. with some
other responsibilities to come..
but soon.. a Holy and Sacred Dance
with all the cool college age folks at
Good Old Seville Quarter for the 126th
week of doing that tonight.. Thursday night..
i spread liGht in all the ways i can.. simply ’cause i Love..
i Love fearlessly as liGht inside continues to shine brighter
as days go on and gRow as Love.. and sure.. you can too..
not easy in this modern age of so many worries of day
to day living.. but the wick is inside.. just
waiting for a spark
to liGht
Like a Hurricane FLamE..
of Love with cAlm center peAce..
more fun dance photos coming
on 09092016 around 3 am..:)


“Nifty,” he said. “Does it divide, or, multiply?”….

“Nifty,” he said. “Does it divide, or, multiply?”

“Nifty,” he said. “Does it divide, or, multiply?”
SMiLes.. interestingly per metaphor
of occult and Aleister Crowley’s
Book of the
Law that
is a puzzle to
be solved for truth
and light too.. about
a certain number.. let’s
just say.. ah.. the mysteries
of symbols untold aS KeYes
to the mysteries and secrets of
liFE but alWays an invitation to find
the trUths and liGhts alWays gifted
within.. in our DNA evolved as such
as all existence goeS oN for now..
hmm.. and when one is taling
stories this day one must
be ‘sexy’ in terms
of pushing
of cultural
norms to get
focus and attention
these days.. ha.. even
to write 12 million words per
se in close to 6 years now..
as one might divide and
multiply that
too.. like
6 K dance
miles in three
years that
comes out
to be
166.66 miles
per month.. oh my
God.. liGhTeNinG and thunder
comes and be’s that must mean
i AM iLLumiNatI.. hehe.. WeLL trUth
be told the iSREAL illuminati don’t work
for the green bLacK dollar bills nor for fame
or other illusory culture made substitutes for
the village that raises the child in giving sharing
ways.. with never owner ship of other human beings
in slavery ways of repressing and oppressing emoTioNs..
SenSuaLiTy and SexuAliTy Free.. well.. then as you kNow
came the storing of the grains.. populations wHeRe humans
are not evolved to connect to more STiLL than 150 to 200 sets or
so of friendly naked hips and eYes of unconditional Fearless love..
so.. Houston we have a problem even if we landed on the moon in
a tin can in ’69.. invaded countries to kill over 100K innocent folks
and now rebuild and fight new wars on blood of soil we initiate
for greed of storing Grain.. but haha.. not just the U.S.. any land.. out
of balance with our God of Nature given Human Nature balance..
so what to do.. tHeir will always be two wolves to feed
of pro-social vs con-social emotions as this
is the wolf of human too.. domesticated
or not.. wild to survive of reptilian
serpent brain is alive
waiting to
as no holds barred
when Nature as human
Nature moves out of BaLAnCinG
way of mInd and BoDy soUL holding
hands TogeThER or in blood shed to expand
territory and reproductive resources for survival..
even if that means the snake of war and rape to
go on.. it’s dirty business.. the dArk wolf pArt
of life.. but never the less dArk
and liGht are iSREAL aLL
as TrUth and liGht noW
too.. no need to
veil the ignorance
of the real Zombie
Apocalypse aS in IsREAL
original Greek terms to lift
the veil of ignorance from words
that no longer groW and evolve.. to
greater liGhts of empathy and compassion
in MoVinG.. ConNecTinG.. CreAtinG ways
of Fearless Love groWinG noW forevermore now..
Stronger as flAMe of LaMps shine bRighter than ever
before.. and sure.. i am currently enListinG global wide
assistance to determine the grand 42 meaning of
all that is existence.. and the SonG above seemed
even more appropriate in my Cherokee ancestors
legend of a Grandfather Chief’s Legend of two wolves
that once again.. is as real as the domesticated wolf of human..
but sure.. i must
add in my more
than two cents of senses
and emotions and sensuality
and other stuff at the end of
core inspiration to move
on to even greater
liGhts of Love..
and the next
quote inspires
the neXt part of
the continuing close
of 701st Macro Verse
of Ocean Whole poem..
as you’ve probably heard
oh.. my God.. over and over again..
is surpassing 3.3 million words.. GroWinG
more to 4 MilLion and more as nows go on..
but each micro-verse of that stands alone as
spread online in other avenues.. besides blogs..
so each micro-verse of total verse must provide
close to the whole to tale a story of wHole now..
wherever the mesSAge continues to grow..
mY Friend.. as inspired by lovely
people like you aLL
the world..
as hey.. i got
back uP of what i do
everyWheRe i go.. as
tHere is no Raid large enough
to get rid of the roach of i.. as sure..
they tend to last over Aeons as they say..
of more more more.. survival now.. alive..
as existence somehow more always now..
So to the
and more..

“The true meaning of life is to plant trees,
under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”

~~ Nelson Henderson ~~

And yeah.. you’ve heard versions of what’s to come..
but like the verses left from all the revisions.. scribe
mistakes on purpose and added in even
still two wolf version of the dude
named Jesus.. where
the bad Jesus cop will
make ya hate
ya mommy..
daddy.. children
and brothers and sisters
if they veer away from the
teacher’s thoughts.. to
forcing pigs off of
cliff’s with
of demons
inside.. To FucK
with Peace.. i come
with a sword and the
Good Wolf Jesus that says
love each other same as self
consuming each other no more
than food and drink.. love your
enemy ..and those who live by the
sword die by the sword.. voila.. the
two wolf story of the Cherokee Chief
come to fruition in New Testament dARk
and liGht.. clear as day.. but of course we
as huMan beings aspire the greATest light
all naturally and instinctually in our DNA if At
all possible to feed the Good Wolf inside alWays
and the fact that people can overlook the bad wolf
Jesus.. some people at least.. is evidence of the
greater liGht of HUman Good Wolf.. heARt..
SpiRit and SoUL as evidence
in pulpits
that only
Sing Hope
and Love from
the Good Wolf Jesus..
praise that white sHe wolf
of peace and harmony for all
to Kingdom come in the heaven
of now WhOle never ever separated
from eAch other with DanCinG.. SinGinG
Fearless Love.. oh my GOD.. i will now break
out in joYous DancE and SonG.. as soon as i
E-Scape this Keyboard and screen priSon as
Messenger of God StiLL visiting hell off and
on.. hehe.. but Love as Fearless is alWays
heaven now.. sure.. i can ignore the
bad wolf.. even in me..
as liGht
as Love
as Fearless now..
and continue on Feeding..
Feeding more Love as i go as Love..
now.. hmm.. this is getting long but
a 42 month witness of God of Nature
is kinda big.. considering how large
and diverse the world is in
and differences
of liGht and DArk
perceptions both
as TrUth and liGht
varies with mileAge
and wear and tear too..
yeah.. abundant environments
for resources as compared to barren
ones as far as naked and free goes..
compared to clothed in hell
of repression.. oppression
of human FeeLinGs
seNSEs.. and
oh.. the bloody hell of that
dARk realiTy iSReaL of the
God of Nature paRt of HUman..
not so kind too.. hmm.. only if
we can hOld hands toGEther
with our Good Wolf parTS
and give and share more
in abundance as metaphor
of course.. dancing naked holding
hands as fearless love around a
fire of midnight love that needs no
moonlight to liGht us up as Good Wolf wHole..
holy and sacred as greATest Gift of fearless Love
can live as WE Good Wolves wHOle.. hmm.. gotta
appt.. coming in P’Cola.. in 65 minutes must get moving
faster now to the next quote to say.. coming now.. NoW..

“The true meaning of life is to plant trees,
under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”

~~ Nelson Henderson ~~

oH.. cRap.. i ain’t got time to tale the story
better so i’ll have to quote my own
self from before of what
i said before here
just for
and giggles..
before i hit the
FriGGinG iNterstate
to the ‘hell’ out there..

“Stars are born to output and share liGht..
at least for as long
as they live..
and as dim as i once
was.. almost bLack
of liGht..
the saving
grace then was
to water a plant
to make
grow made
my life still
a star
matter how
dArk the candle
i felt iN bLack
then.. and
oh.. the saviors of the world..
and a story i love to tale a little
different as parables do.. when free
and not imprisoned by books.. pages..
paragraphs.. lines or words of print
of yesternows.. bound
by past authority
that no
longer should
exist.. for free..
so.. anyway.. sorry iF
you already heard it but
it will be different anyway..
hehe.. as free WiLL be
when unleashed
and released
as being
starliGht oF eYes
within.. a dusty road..
a little boy with no words..
disabled from birth without
the ability to speak.. but a lover
of growth.. in shape of trees..
a sapling brought home
by loving mother
then.. placed
on a counter
by a lamp that shines..
the boys sees green and
wants to see more.. so he
nurtures this PLANeT
the ability
to speak..
water he does..
fertilizing Love..
Sunshine hope
iN eYes of Loving
Kind.. fertile ground
outside.. dig a hole
to comfort roots..
spend time
and effort
caring Love
and the Tree rises
broad and sTrong..
and soon provides shade
for the front porch home..
Sidewalks come.. but tree
sTill bRanches out.. Flowers
come more beautiful than before..
Students from the local school who
study trees are amazed by the beauty
of this tree.. photos are taken.. shared..
and the boys eYes shine to see what his
Love inspires.. tree no longer needs boy
to grow strong now.. and the little
boy becomes ill and his life
goes dark..
Years later..
a shy young man iS
walking this sidewalk
of the boy’s home.. and
a most beautiful dark haired
girl approaches him.. with smiling
face.. the boys eyes liGht up but what
to say.. ah.. the center piece of conversation
iS standing tAll and floweRinG more beautiful
iT seems than ever before on this March Spring
day.. a spark of instant Love is in the air..
and that begins a Love that
will last ’till death..
the shy boy becomes
confident with the Love of
his wife.. joins the Military..
and even rises to the ranks
of politics then.. Love grows
and fearless Lives..
the boy is
now a
Strong man..
and makes a decision
as a leader of the world
that prevents World War III…
Life on the PlanT now iS saved..
So who is the savior.. the boy..
the man.. the girl.. the Loving
wife.. the parents.. the schools
providing education.. the tree
or the little disabled boy
and all the
from around the
world.. well the truth
iS aLL they are.. as theRe
is no i.. me but us and we
oF Life..
Moral of the
story.. water a tree
Of Life and see wHere
iN ocean
eYes free..:)”


Google.. is such an excellent
mesSage assistant.. less than
a second with keyword
of sapling
and the message
comes back again..
Namaste.. gigoid..:)



Of Naked
oF light
To shed the
Clothes of
Manmade culture..
Be one with God
Of all that is Nature
Allone Beauty Now..:)



SMiLes.. my friEnd.. Rytha..
YoUr Kind and Loving
Words inSpiRe me…
Sadly.. To me at
Least.. Some
Folks see liFe..
Mostly as
Numbers.. Others
Do Life Free Verse
For Love.. like
You and i..
And sure..
Those who
Rule over art..
Bring order
To potential
Anarchy and
My Spirit that
Will not be censored
Was Deleted and Banned
From linking at dVerse.. Too..
But.. i am A.. iSREAL Love flu that
Will not be cured by
The prison of
Ha! In
The online world..
THeRe is now always
Alternatives of ways
Away.. that chain
A Free Art of
Love.. i’D rather
Be allone with
Fearless Love than
To be
By rules..
Sure.. Love
Is the only
Law of A
i as I..
Like the
Of winds..
Calm Center
FLamE as a
HurriCanE noW..
My Lovely.. Kind FriEnd..:)








BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels


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Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)


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About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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19 Responses to GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

  1. i have an “After Book of Fred”
    to write.. so i guess i’LL
    get stArted..

    Oh.. by A way.. my therapist
    says i should give Ted Talks..
    as i continue to
    help her
    her other
    so.. sure.. i”LL
    continue the Fred talk.. hehe..
    And yes.. she literally did say
    that yesterday.. as even my
    atTest too..
    Sure.. writing close to
    12 million words crosses
    over to the spoken world too..
    and sure.. i fully express emotion..
    and that my friends equals
    what politicians
    in Words and non-verbal
    Langauge as Charismatic
    and Magnetic.. sure.. the
    Body Electric too..
    if i could
    Dance with
    Hillary i could give her some more2..
    or get in a room with Trump and make
    his head explode.. as sure.. i have
    a certain.. intellectual
    and spiritual
    now too.. hehe..

    And first2.. i’LL stARt wITh one
    of the nicest compliments i’Ve
    ever received from a fellow blogger
    Hailing from roots in Ghana..
    but i..
    ‘long ago’..
    living on
    a virtual
    world named
    the Wrong Planet
    wHere a deficit of
    reciprocal social communication
    was the diSease there.. i made much
    effort to conTacT.. but with little ever response
    from others.. and in the sea and ocean of all i do
    in life.. as friend.. a very beautiful woman on Facebook
    recently said.. when she opens doors for everyone.. she
    rarely even gets acknowledgment for that and sure i’LL say
    her name.. Sybil.. i don’t know her at all really.. but i do know
    at Seville Quarter she shared a video of me.. saying that ‘this
    is for our friend who never changes for anyone’.. in other
    words my spirit of free gave her inspiration..
    and sure that is enough reciprocation
    in social communication
    to inspire me as
    well to do
    much more too..
    what i learned on the
    Wrong Planet online.. is truly
    the same off that online planet too..
    we are a nation(s) of people in first
    world way.. who in real life.. flesh and
    blood way become more distant from
    that flesh and blood as the virtual
    world becomes more real
    than the one that
    tastes.. smells..
    touches.. and
    feels and senses
    so much more than
    screens of sight and sound
    only will ever bring.. so i make
    it a practice of recording a Garden
    of Band-Aid for those who support me
    in this journey of giving.. i treasure friends
    and record them here in the Book oF Fred
    in journey of witnessing for God of Nature all
    that is as that will start a new chapter on 9112016..
    where this “After Book oF Fred”.. will then be published
    on Word Press and Blogger Blogs on 9122016.. and sure
    the 911 meme and theme rings volumes of emergency light
    like that last photo of me coming out of Seville and Seeing an
    ambulance as potential Omen of sorts.. as sure.. for metaphor
    too.. ‘those witnesses for God for 42 months’.. did not live long
    after that… and what is the most dangerous thing
    we humans in our first world countries
    do on a day to day basis..
    driving.. hell.. yes.. driving
    is the most dangerous
    shit of all where
    we navigate
    3 ton bullets
    just waiting to
    hit a brick wall..
    of potential death..
    it is no responsibility to
    be taken lightly and one
    that deserves our full attention
    and focus.. as Lord knows even
    paying the closest attention as possible
    in my life to driving.. there were two incidences
    where a cat and a dog darted underneath my car
    from the side of the road.. lower than a deer in the
    forest.. and even one time.. where an actual Lynx..
    a wild cat.. ran into my Camaro front end.. across
    the highway.. at incredible speed of trying
    to save his or her life from oncoming
    on the highway
    to life or death..
    as it were and still is..
    yeah.. Road Kill is pARt
    and parcel of creature comforts
    of human being.. including human..
    of course.. and from now on.. i am going
    to put my frigging ‘smart’ phone.. in my glove
    compartment.. as on that other seat those
    notifications light that thing up bright and it
    is hard to break a habit of getting notified
    per se.. and glance over to see
    what’s going
    online.. well..
    when it’s night
    and there is an open
    road.. and no cars.. it can
    seem rather safe.. if one temporarily
    forgets the danger to wild life.. and even
    someone walking lonely in the middle of the
    night on the side of the road.. and on a beautiful
    calm half moonlit night.. full.. that phone lit up with
    a notification.. i looked down.. just for a split second
    and my practice of martial arts and quick reaction.. could
    have saved my life too.. as a tree had fallen across the road..
    as they do when they are ready to do.. even days after a storm
    of rain comes through.. or just tree old age and sickness as
    it were and is now with those struggles of environment too..
    so.. i dodged it just in time.. before hitting it blindly
    and going wherever
    i might have
    in a panic then..
    perhaps in to a power
    pole dead.. or another destination
    like that.. even someone’s home off the
    road.. anyway.. lesson learned for me..
    and just a reminder that shit does
    happen.. and its
    best to be
    on all your
    toes and fingers
    and senses and feelings
    too.. when shit does go down..
    in the dark of life too.. so anyway..
    back to more ‘After Book of Fred’
    stuff.. i count my blessings in witness for
    God of Nature way too.. as a Garden oF
    Band-Aid of support for those who do
    come in Loving ways on my
    hi-way liGht of liFe now..
    away from
    the lower-way
    of life that IS A dARk
    poTenTial and reAliTy too..
    so here are the nice words
    by Rytha Ephua.. who hails
    in roots from Ghana in Africa..

    “No, I do not live in U.S. either do I hail from South Africa but yes, my root can be traced in Africa, Ghana to be precise……..where love bridges and love for all is cherished. All Africans love regards and are resilience in spirit. We take it all, whether bitter, sour or sweet.

    And yes, we are a global citizen of the world of one Race of human beings. That is how I see it too, regardless.

    And ooh, you my Friend always make me sob inside anytime you write. You always manage to touch my very core with your words. Trust me, they are profound and ring volumes.

    And in case I never tell you this before, I want to use this opportunity to voice it out, I Love You More. You are priceless, though we’ve never met, I’m fond of you. A lot. Thank you for being concern, I appreciate.”

    And sure.. words like this from a Stranger
    who is a friend the same with no distance..
    space or time.. makes all 3.3 million plus words
    worth it here.. and the total close to 12 million words..
    since Thanks Giving day.. 2010.. when i started the
    writing endeavor to escape illness and pain..
    that no drugs would touch..
    including the worst pain
    known to humankind..
    Type Two Trigeminal
    Neuralgia.. from wake to
    sleep for 66 months since 2008.. like
    Dentist drill without novocaine.. except in
    my case.. it was in my right eye and ear..
    rendering my emotions lost for 66 months too..
    and hearing and seeing effectively almost lost..
    too.. that in that emptiness was the worse numb
    nothing than all the pain in the world then.. could
    be as me.. So.. “After Book oF Fred” GoeS oN..
    and in the last of my discussion with
    my Friend.. Rytha.. i ended
    with these words
    here.. below..
    in response
    to her final thank
    you.. yesterday for
    linking her poem to
    my continuing
    Ocean Whole
    Poem here..
    that sure can
    be named ‘Song
    oF mY SoUL’ or
    the metaphor of
    ‘The Book oF Fred2’
    and the after and continuing
    ‘The Book oF Fred’ now too..


    And aS iN aLL paRts
    Existence.. THeRe iS
    LiGht and DaRk thaT
    Serves to make uS
    More Loving..
    As A
    Lioness iS..:)

    And now i say..
    one of my favorite movies..
    i watched after recovering enough
    to see TV.. was the Blu Ray Movie..
    ‘The Book of Eli’.. with Denzel
    Washington.. a story of
    Hope.. Faith.. Belief..
    and beyond all Perseverance..
    Strength.. Courage.. to get the
    whole job done of Love in a Covenant
    of Fearless Love with God to help the
    rest of Humankind out.. like my story
    of the little disabled boy who could not
    speak.. and the watering of the sapling
    tree that in full butterfly effect and affect
    helped to save the human race from poTenTial
    World War III.. destruction same.. as could be today..
    As Caesar from the last Planet of the Apes movie says..
    out in the village of Apes Wild.. “Apes Stronger Together’..
    still rings true as naked and furry as it ever has before.. and
    that reminds me.. before i talk more to “The Book oF Eli”.. with
    perhaps an inspirational and meaningful video clip of that too..
    i saw ‘this movie’.. when i was ill.. and lost without connection
    to anyone.. as i could not feel human connection or
    connection to God OF ALL of Nature either..
    a truly lonely
    and separate place…
    anyway.. there was a city
    and skyscraper buildings.. And
    if you haven’t heard in one of the
    most populous places.. in Tokyo.. Japan..
    “Clean Up Crew Businesses” are booming
    in cleaning up the remains of elders off of
    apartment floors who have decayed beyond
    easy recognition.. ’cause they lost all contact
    with flesh and blood folks who cared enough
    to check on them to see if they
    were even still alive..
    i remember that
    story and always
    return calls but in this other
    movie.. the folks are younger
    and separated.. and like what has
    happened in Japan.. the Younger folks
    have lost interest in even having sex with
    each other.. and they have replaced the child
    and even the dog.. with robot dogs.. as
    companions as a lifeless
    thing to have
    as even
    a friend..
    as folks do that
    with their cars and homes..
    obviously as one can get attached
    to material stuff.. and give up on the
    human race altogether too.. well.. anyway
    in ‘the movie’.. there was a strong and totally
    sane professional man.. who just opens up the
    blinds of his skyscraper apartment and started
    ‘making love to himself’ in the wide open as wide
    as it can get in far away connection from other folks
    in solitary apartments in lonely cities of skyscrapers
    same as Tokyo and so many other places together..
    sure.. even in rural
    neighborhoods too..
    where ya never even talk
    to your neighbor.. unless a Hurricane
    or other disaster comes through and knocks
    off your electronic substitutes from the power
    grid as it were and still can be today too..
    where front porches and living
    room couches once
    again grow
    a human touch..
    so anyway.. there was
    a women in visual distance
    from the next skyscraper over
    who started doing the same thing..
    looking directly at his eyes.. and sure…
    other parts too.. as he did with her..
    and although they would
    never meet
    or talk
    to each
    other.. they shared
    a human moment together
    in pleasure way that naturally
    rises the social bonding neurohormone
    of oxytocin.. no matter if one is lone or with
    someone else.. yes.. even just touching yourself
    ‘down there’ will increase the social bonding hormone..
    so.. the next time you see an athlete ‘adjusting’ their self
    perhaps deep deep down.. they are a little lonely
    too.. just wanting to feel what the
    Yogis name as some
    genital healing..
    that yes.. in biochemistry
    has scientific credence.. in one
    step.. two step.. five.. repeatable
    scientific method measure of iSREAL..
    now.. here’s the thing.. i am not lonely..
    if you’ve seen my dance photos.. it’s obvious
    that i connect in social oxytocin ways.. with not
    even having to have sex with other folks.. and sure
    sex addiction.. comes like other addictions both substance
    and behavioral ones.. to feel the empty part of soul that can
    sure.. be neurohormones of social bonding oxytocin.. if one
    has the potential to feel that at all.. as some folks do not..
    including some folks on the Autism Spectrum as science
    shows.. too.. and then there is the trust neuro-chemical
    of Serotonin and pleasure one that enhances
    creativity in doing stuff new that
    is Dopamine too..
    and sure many other
    influences like androgens
    and estrogen associated
    hormones.. and even potential
    DMT for better connecting and feeling
    all that is NATURE AKA God that some
    folks speculate is produced in the Pineal
    Gland as third eye as sorts in the head.. and
    yes the head on top of shoulders.. haha.. but
    sure.. don’t discount either the Penis or the Clitoris
    as a substantial source of Genital Healing in many
    ways that come..ha!.. yes literally and figuratively
    too.. in whatever shape body ya have.. hehex2..
    so.. okay.. no secrets here.. i am an empath..
    and my nude art.. is a service
    of sorts to lonely
    hearts as such2..
    as Love Service
    in Lonely Skyscrapers
    across the world.. there is
    Science and Unconditional Fearless
    Love to this.. and if you cannot see the
    Fearless Love Value in all the flesh you see
    in Art.. from Music Videos.. to theater.. to the
    earliest nude and erotic art of human beings.. before
    Written Language was even a thing.. on cave walls then.. perhaps
    you should touch yourself and be reminded in band-aid way aGaiN..
    that you are human and per science.. genital healing is a real deal now..
    and sure that’s how ‘they’ have and still control masses of human beings
    as sheep.. they take tHeiR humanity away.. and say don’t do pleasure.. the world sucks..
    i say suck that
    and suck this
    if Ya
    like of
    course.. hehe..
    and no i don’t mean
    that literally of course… as
    i am both monogamous.. and happily
    married too.. when it comes to the flesh
    of skin of doing that too.. so-called ‘sex workers’
    who do it out of love.. and yes.. there are some totally
    empathic folks who love strangers that much.. yes even
    women too.. whether you wanna face fActs or not.. and there
    are safer ways.. much safer ways to do that now.. than the brothel
    per-se.. everything in moderation.. and repress.. and oppress no pARt
    of Human Nature.. or go to the other place that is not Heaven now.. i hOld
    no secrets.. ’cause i love fearlessly.. to hide the trUth in liGht iN DaRkness as above so below..
    inside.. outside.. all around.. is to hide the Love of Human Being.. there is nothing hidden here..:)

    So yeah.. as the beginning theme song says here.. i’ve got more notes to write to spread
    around the world like a vortex of never ending winds.. of words and other stuff too.. Love..
    And in “The Book of Eli”.. at the end of that movie.. i was happy to see them
    shelf the bible in full sacred text.. with all the other sacred texts of human
    kind in one big library.. like Google has a card
    catalog for now..
    as there is
    DARk and
    liGht in all sacred
    text.. and all the colors
    of grey and hues of bLack
    and wHite that come as sHades
    of all that is.. in all that text and
    the unabridged version of online now too..
    we have a new day and age.. where we have
    the freedom to discern what is TrUth and liGht
    for uS iN sampling all of that and creating our
    own “Books of Eli” that are more than
    an impressive
    of the original creative
    poem.. that Denzel.. known
    as Eli in that movie created
    on his death Bed.. knowing
    in his last breath.. in FeeLinG
    that his rest was due in duSt of God
    all that is.. forgive me for the dArk i have
    done.. and i did my best for liGht.. Thank
    God all that
    iS.. for my Life..
    as Bottom Line..
    i can do that now..
    and that is the best
    pARt oF aLL i do.. Peace
    with God… with no shame.. no regret..
    no doubts and literally no illusory fears..
    Breathe easy into the last night’s breath
    into God’s Arms.. and have faith and
    hope that it is all worth iT..
    to live
    to LiVE NoW..:)

    And yes.. i’LL do all
    i can.. to share and give more..
    including putting my FUCKING SMART

    You see.. my friends.. what is written can be visualized after
    the fact of wishes and dreams.. is more likely to materialize dONe..
    words in
    repeat of affirmation..
    that one can visualize..
    F ee L iN SpiRe noW.. for
    more.. as wishes and dreAms
    come to iSREAL Fruition.. iSREAL noW..:)

    And sure.. as cognitive empathy goes..
    not all folks have the ability to thiNk visually
    either… as in all stuff diversity.. there is no
    such thing
    as cookie
    cutter human
    beings.. religions..
    or even a FucKinG
    Cookie Cutter God of chains
    in abstract symbols of human
    beings also known as Golden Calves and Words too..
    and More than
    all human creates
    with hands of dArk and liGht..
    as well as words of throat that SinG..
    ah.. Dance
    is liGht and TrUth..
    the greAtest mesSAge.. i for
    one continue to spread in
    of Dance
    around the world
    in virtual way too..
    beyond the floors of
    metro public dance..
    as Facebook Video
    smArt pHone..
    who continue
    to assist me too.. like
    the Facebook Algorithm
    Video slide show assistant
    does too.. hmm.. mostly without fail..:)

  2. https://lifeconfusions.wordpress.com/2016/09/06/the-type/

    Hmm.. SMiLes.. my FriEnd..
    Zee.. i guess.. i missed the
    Word Press Notification.. on this
    one.. and hmm..x2.. i see.. i am now..
    the only male who came to the paRty..
    but anyWay.. i fear no strong woman.. and
    i fear no human who finds completion within
    as sure that is wHere God lives wHole.. as once
    one finds complete within.. all there is.. is to give
    that Ocean
    Love.. my friEnd..
    And the sad trUth my FriENd
    that some folks can only find
    completion in a member of
    the opposite sex.. is they
    have not cultivated
    both genders
    now within
    as divine feminine
    love and grace.. and
    divine masculine as
    will and strength..
    some women
    think.. only
    a man
    can speak for
    them.. and some
    men feel.. only the
    wife can take care of
    the child with woman’s
    work as well.. culture does
    that.. human Nature as gifted
    by God within.. is flexible enough
    to do almost anything.. but as always
    use or lose applies.. Nurture and Nature
    balance or lose out in imbalance.. Kind now
    and courAge.. my friEnd.. couRage and Kind..
    as every Cinderella knows and feels as
    And in the old story
    of the Gnostic Jesus
    in the Gospel of Thomas..
    when confronted by his Apostles
    on how Mary Magdalene could be
    equal on a spiritual level to man.. Jesus
    said we will make her man too.. and sure…
    if they expected to Unconditionally Love in
    Golden Rule way.. they would have to become
    divine feminine as well.. sadly.. and now.. obviously
    for the most part that change still hasn’t happened
    with many Men.. Woman are in the lead for completion..
    And truly..
    this battle of the
    sexes.. per Patriarchy
    vs Matriarchy for A Balance
    of potential Egalitarianism
    is at the root cause
    of much
    conflict.. but
    Sociologists.. suggest
    Women’s freedoms will be
    the rule of life in most every
    North Latitude country by 2050..
    Meanwhile.. it’s not too early for
    balance and completion.. in all
    of human potential.. un-repressed
    un-oppressed.. set free.. noW aLL..:)

  3. https://lifeconfusions.wordpress.com/2016/09/09/edge/

    sMiLes.. my FriEnd.. Zee..
    could be an ode to a single
    Mother here.. who must be complete..
    per my last comment in your last post
    in divine male and female
    to get the
    whole job
    of Nurture done..
    that sure.. takes selfless
    confidence and love to give
    all of what love in nurturing way
    can be to another one.. to be the
    friend one would like to have in a time
    of need.. is to also be the kind of friend
    one would want to be to self.. as well
    in personal time of need.. empathy
    and compassion for one’s self
    is the highway to Giving
    all to others
    as well..
    as the core
    becomes strong
    as an atomic bomb..
    poweRinG a Garden of Human Love..:)

  4. Balancing sour with savory….

    WeLL.. my FriEnd.. so good..
    to see your words today.. gigoid..
    hopefully you are feeling much better
    or better as it gets for now.. as now rides…
    and that photo of
    that Elephant balancing
    itself on its Hind Legs is
    proof in itself that Elephant
    can leg press.. much more than
    me.. hehe.. yeah.. the savory and
    the sour.. i’ve come to make as
    delightful mixed drink.. hehex2..
    for me at least.. and you know
    it’s kind of a miracle.. my fingers
    still work after about 12 million
    words in 6 years and
    my feet
    dance after
    6K miles in
    three years too..
    but sure.. i credit
    balance of the savory and
    sour too.. as the light that wakes
    eventually without pain as each day
    goeS oN.. i view the darkness.. analyze
    it.. but rarely ever does it find an entry way
    to me.. seriously as i’m sure you feel.. there
    is nothing better than fear free.. but as i’ve
    probably mentioned before.. heights will
    always bother me.. as i feel almost
    practically gravity free.. so
    it always
    i could
    float over the
    side when drop-offs
    come.. keeping the high
    is doing away with negative
    stress and fears that are sure
    the same two birds with boulders
    a millstone of parachute holding us
    higher.. to build
    those thousand sand
    castles for those who fear
    not reach.. to Ocean wHole..
    bottom line.. the show must go on..:)

  5. Hmm.. Facebook is always changing something..
    and apparently it’s acting funny about
    editing anything on a profile pic..
    including embedding a profile pic
    somewhere else.. but haha..
    there’s always the comment
    section.. and sure.. i’ve got my
    own source of photo stream on
    my blog to use there.. for proper
    accreditation to whatever muse
    i’m using for the moment to inspire
    writings there.. from yesterday.. all
    published and linkable to put into
    comments section more.. anyway..
    nice young dancing friend ‘here’..
    smiling the way at Old
    Seville Quarter
    on Thursday
    Night and speaking of
    11:37 pm.. now September
    9th of 2016.. as i write this
    comment muse now.. the 10th
    is soon to arrive.. in anniversary of
    the 42 total blogging months from
    the beginning of that endeavor to
    Witness biggest time for the God of Nature
    and on that 10th Day.. March 2013.. Mumford
    and Sons released their You Tube video.. named
    Whispers in the Dark.. that in interesting ways moves
    along in Synchronicity ways.. of all the diverse hats
    and journeys i have made along the way.. Since
    March 10th 2013.. and sure.. all my life too..
    as truly words i tap into.. bring back
    more and more of all i can be
    before and now.. too..
    along with dance of
    course.. photography..
    and and all around wild one
    and gentleman too.. who can
    pull off that sophisticated air too..
    on a drop of a hat..without even a suit
    or tie.. as i have thrown down my clothes
    and unashamedly tread on those cultural
    clothes with all HeARt.. SpiRit and SoUL..
    as the Good Cop Jesus out of the Gospel
    of Thomas says do.. too.. vs 37 as such sTiLL..
    i take the liGht paRts of all of philosophy and
    mystical religion and run with it.. like a linebacker..
    and sure.. God’s Cheerleader2.. moving wRite along
    now.. with another play of Whisper’s in the dark2.. now..:)

    And.. as i come to the next Facebook Profile Pic.. of Katrina
    and Yellow Boy.. they are watching me carefully with smiling
    faces as i download all my fun from Seville Quarter.. as yes..
    i literally tale Katrina all of what i do.. and sure.. sometimes
    she says i am exhausting.. and sure that’s even with
    the readers digest condensed version of what i do..
    if even
    anyway.. like
    i said before.. the show
    must go on.. and perhaps
    i’LL use another version of that
    coming next.. at the midnight hour
    of September 10th at 00:00 morn time in 6 minutes..:)

  6. Ugh.. this Facebook Macro Verse Memory
    from two years ago.. about 24 hours on the
    Wrong Planet where typing 6 thousand words
    a day or so.. was a common practice to escape
    pain and now one to document joy.. thanks GoD..
    and yes.. we are now
    in the 10th day of September..
    per this micro-micro verse comment
    here of a micro verse.. of this current
    Macro Verse titled.. “After Book oF Fred”..
    as yes the 701st Macro Verse of Ocean
    whole poem.. witness for God now for
    42 months complete as blog way then..
    stArting with the KATiE MiA Aghogday
    Blogger Blog then.. as yes.. the
    “After Book oF Fred” could also
    be named as the Show must
    Go On.. and i kNow and FeeL..
    yes.. juSt the Freddie Mercury
    Song for that going on2 noW..:)

    24 Hours on the Wrong Planet

    WeLL.. here.. a MacroVerse from two years ago.. for
    an ode to a Passport.. and a smiling baby face avatar
    placed on the Wrong Planet online
    on Christmas Day of 2010..
    who would finally
    come back as me..
    a Phoenix rising
    from ashes.. then..
    wiTH.. EmoTioNal
    SpiRiT as SeNses
    and SensuALiTy fully liT
    uP.. on July 22nd of 2013..
    and a 1999 Sports Utility Vehicle.. of
    almost 16 years old Passport then.. as i kept
    A 1994 Camaro for 14 years.. and a 1970
    Maverick for 16 years.. first owned by
    my mother.. when i paid her for it..
    in 1976.. yes.. i take care of stuff..
    and i don’t buy stuff very
    much.. unless absolutely
    necessary and moving to
    2014 Civic.. was necessary
    to help save the Earth from
    Gas Guzzler Trucks and
    Sports Utility Vehicles..
    that still Guzzle Dinosaur Breath
    in KA spiRit of what remains of them now..:)

    all know is love in the darkness of life

    The Highway to Dance here.. Macro-Verse from a year ago..
    celebrating the benefits of expReSinG sPiRiT as EmoTions
    SeNses.. and the Non-Verbal social reciprocal
    communication of dance too..
    Let it go..
    Let it go.
    Let it all go and
    be free where the
    Weekend is always the
    beginning of celebrating this
    greaTest GifT of LiFE as DanCinG
    LiFe and SinGinG a SonG oF liFE FReED..:)

    HIgH way to Dance

    Quote from John Lennon..
    and this Macro-Verse from
    a year ago.. titled..

    Jesus..John Lennon..Bruce Lee and BE the WATER not the chalice

    “i believe in God,

    but not as one thing,

    not as an old man in the sky.

    I believe that what people call God

    is something in all of us.

    I believe that what Jesus

    and Mohammed

    and Buddha

    and all the rest said

    was right.

    It’s just that

    the translations

    have gone wrong.”

    ~John Lennon

    Hmm.. apparently John didn’t do a whole lot of
    research on the books.. or he could have
    seen the “Jeffersonian” deficits..
    however he did fulfill
    one prophecy..
    and that was
    folks would come and
    do greater works than Jesus..
    and per direct impact during the life
    of the Beatles.. as compared to
    the patch of land in the
    middle east in barren
    way.. they did more..
    with any common
    sense per lifetimes
    each.. however.. that
    cost John his liFE.. as
    folks take stuff too literally
    to the point they will kill for literal thinking..
    And sure i take all due Bard precautions..
    as i am way too deep for folks without a fully
    functional miNd and BoDy BaLance to even
    hope to understand.. and pArt of what i do..
    is for that precise reason.. i ain’t gonna say
    it too simple in a Pop Song that everyone
    hears.. as sure.. i’Ve been on the Wrong
    Planet for a few years.. and done the hell
    thing in real life too.. for 66 months..
    yes.. i know the dark that
    is out there..
    and hmm..
    i heard a new song
    today that could compliment
    who you might be standing next to..
    too.. as far as psychopathic leaning individuals
    and folks who are not thinking with reason.. in big time way..
    i’LL dig it out of YouTube later.. thinking it’s Rihanna for now..
    and yes.. Gaga has a new one.. and so does the Republic too..
    and play
    of God.. goeS oN..
    oh yeah.. and per Bruce
    Lee.. being the water is divine..
    and being the air.. is ultra divine2..:)

    Jesus..John Lennon..Bruce Lee and BE the WATER not the chalice

    Ugh.. yeah.. computer
    screens of all sizes..
    shapes and colors
    scream screens..
    and this Macro-Verse Memory
    from a year ago.. is the very short
    version of what will be coming of more..
    in Facebook Algorithm.. saving grace for
    the Dinosaur Grave yard of Macro-Verse Fresh..
    and Jesus F. iN Christ.. night night.. gotta go beddy
    bye.. as tomorrow is gonna be.. i mean.. today now.. the
    10th is gonna be a very long celebration of 42 months
    of Witnessing for the God of Nature in blog way.. in
    fAct there will be a party on the beach towards
    Emerald Coast Panhandle way.. in a
    restaurant there.. yes.. of course
    named as something
    different than a specific
    celebration for me.. in
    Uncle’s Birthday way..
    but sure.. i can imagine..
    and dream and create almost
    anything iSREaL.. so sure.. it’LL
    be a total family blast off for fun..
    and then comes 911.. as the “After
    Book oF Fred” Show.. goeS oN aGain..;)

    Screams Screen

  7. Ha! Lion King Memory of three years ago.. to date
    on September 10th.. on what was 6 months
    for blog witnessing for God from first
    endeavor of posting my perspective
    on life whole on that first
    post.. on March 10.. 2013
    that is also
    the about section
    of my Word Press
    Ocean Whole Version Poem..
    and sure.. it is the cat who is the Lion
    King Wild and Free even with a mane
    around his chin that is not so clear to
    see in this Burger King photo from
    three years ago.. additionally..
    if one looks closer one could
    see a Lion Face in the artificial
    Lights behind the building and
    sure.. even a Homunculus
    in the bottom part
    of the Burger
    King Window
    if one’s Brain searches
    for those images from the
    database within.. highly
    affected by human emotions
    of memories.. of course.. from
    Disney shows to scary shows and
    even beyond in Genetic Memories too..
    and it is kinda interesting to keep a running
    autobiographical journal of your life that includes
    real life images from day to day.. as in this photo
    from the records then.. i weigh 20 Lbs less than
    i do today.. 210 Lbs then in the shirt and shorts
    clothing here.. and sure.. the proven value
    of dance.. a greater density of muscle
    from head to toe.. balanced out
    as Nature does with a cat
    who moves freely for
    foraging all around
    the environment
    with no sidewalks
    of limits.. can’t say i’ve
    ever met another Yellow
    Cat with a busy tale.. and mane
    on chin like this.. before or after this..
    perhaps a harbinger.. and omen of what
    would be to come.. and sure.. to see all of
    what the mind’s eye sees in positive light..
    is to be on a path to light.. as sure..
    i could have seen the devil in those
    lights if i wasn’t looking for
    a Lion King instead..
    and that’s the way
    liGht and dArk
    works.. sTiLL noW..
    if our preconceived
    notions are never challenged
    and changed in the present.. one
    may see dArk their entire life.. even in
    making relative free will choices.. and changing
    life to an outlook of liGht and Fearless Love.. one
    may see the human flesh as evil.. and even all
    of Nature same as God as well.. or one can
    make life a much liGhter place with
    with relative free will.. in moving..
    connecting and creating..
    a Lion King of Freedom
    with no worries over
    green bLack dollar bills
    and Facebook Likes.. Shares..
    Followers.. etc.. or ad sense pennies..
    or E-Book dollars will be what i shed of
    the clothes of this earth that are manmade..
    including lies of religions.. same for illusory
    fears and promises that death and what
    is after is better than what is gifted as
    potential Heaven now by God
    oF aLL Nature.. much suffering
    in the world.. comes by following
    human made rules blindly..
    and when the facts are
    presented.. cognitive
    painful dissonance..
    of having one’s core
    foundation of spoon fed paradigms
    of belief can be shaken.. but truly.. the
    trUth and liGht of God within.. in innate..
    instinct and intuition can set yA free..
    but only if one wills.. with relative
    free will with God of Nature..
    no less than a Lion King
    or Lioness Queen
    set free.. as it
    and still is now..
    so sure.. AN omen then
    was.. IS.. this photo would be a muse
    for more good news.. three years down
    the road.. as 42 months of Witness for the
    God of Nature comes to close for sure a
    human being who is only a furry beast of
    God.. who has found his wings in free..
    free Nature
    of God.. no
    less or more than
    the Lion King Cat
    who roams for survival..
    and the potential friendly Love
    Pet as life moveS oN alWays noW..
    so sure.. i embark after this in journey.. literally
    then poetically responding to tens of thousands
    of poet’s poems around the world for the next
    three years from this.. some i documented and
    many i did not from the get go.. and the thing is..
    learning to like it all.. and eventually love it all..
    in all the points of view i found in others
    poetry from dArk to liGht.. changed
    my entire world view.. from seeing
    about evenly dArk and liGht.. to
    mostly liGht now.. even when
    the dARk.. is obviously
    present.. to change
    one’s world
    view to liGht
    most definitely takes
    a continuous and intentional
    positive liGht of Art as practice now..
    as sure.. i am only hUman and could drift
    back to the literal bi-polar place of dArk.. once
    aGaIn.. if i did not continue to make those liGht
    neural star-like BriGht connections in my brain..
    and those peptide memories.. in every cell
    of moving for positive neuro-chemicals..
    in all the dance moves i make with
    uplifting electronic MUSic from
    wake to sleep.. i bring A way
    to heaven now.. that is not only
    a word witness for the higher power of
    God within.. but shows the empirical results
    in creative output and greater health in form
    from head to toe.. as the whole FucKinG
    Monty Truth of God within.. as expressed
    as form of sPiRit as Vitality in Flesh full blown
    as WeLL.. there have many folks who have spoken
    to the potential.. but few who have come down from
    the mountain.. the desert.. the cave.. and now the
    Beach as an auto-biography rover.. to show what
    is going down for iSREAL.. as my friEnd.. whose
    name sounds like Florida on music videos does
    also relate.. with just another Gemini Sage..
    have a nice day.. as my celebration as
    feast day continues.. as i make it that way..
    and sure you can make everyday a banquet
    and a feast and the weekend too.. with the higher
    potential this of you too.. of God who lives within..
    i am the truth.. the light and the way.. but that is
    only the i am who lives within me.. and if you haven’t
    figured out that is what the metaphor of what Jesus
    really means.. perhaps.. it’s time to do some homework
    and find the home of God who speaks within.. God
    is Nature but yes.. God iSrEAL magic within.. when
    sought.. found.. and practiced as REAL LIFE NOW..
    SADLY.. many folks look somewhere else in imaginary
    heavens beyond within.. and even worship
    death more than this gift of LiFe..
    why.. because
    HE said
    so… FucK thAt
    shiT.. i wasn’t born yesterday
    God lives within ME.. noW.. meOW..
    And you know and feel what.. i don’t have
    to promote these ideas.. or worry about making
    money off my art.. as these truths and lights live within
    most human beings.. readily accessible if they can just escape
    the lies of culture and religion.. and the greatest thing now.. with
    online and the gradual elimination of censorship of free flow information
    globally.. all these ideas and truths and lights that work for me are available
    for greater enlightenment and ways of awakening of the real Greek original..
    definition of Apocalypse that means lifting the veil of Ignorance.. i am just another
    one of many of God’s Court Reporters.. who discerns the truth and light for the i AM
    who lives within.. sure.. i’ve got more words than most folks have.. more photos.. more
    fun and i am Killing every second of time.. with an eternity of Heaven now.. but i am
    neither the first or last to bring these truths and lights.. i am simply i am.. i dance and sing on..
    and pass
    the dark with
    flying colors of liGht..:)

    Renaissance Selfie Disrobing here as Macro-verse
    Memory from two years ago.. sure.. still going strong
    on this and as the photo journal continues to show
    with empirical improvements as my dance
    continues to evolve using
    more and more of my
    body parts.. with
    greater relative free
    will of mastery over each
    fiber of muscle.. in continual
    floW iN Zone.. in an ecstatic
    fliGht of Dance on Terrestrial land..
    and nah.. you will not see many 56 year
    old men.. who weigh in at around 230 LBS..
    at around 6 feet tall.. move and exhibit form
    of flesh and blood like this.. many are lounging
    with only mirror neurons engaged.. watching
    other athletes play on screens.. whenever
    i got to the mall.. one of my first stops
    is among my peers.. some in their
    early twenties.. lounging on
    the benches watching
    vicarious tribal
    sports.. i find a place
    to put my foot up to adjust
    my shoe strings.. for what will
    become literally hours of mall dance
    in stores.. that welcome the art of my
    free flow dance presence.. like Dick’s Sporting
    Good’s.. my favorite place to do a free style
    exhibition of public dance.. the Earth
    Store.. Spencer Gifts.. Best Buy..
    as sure.. Dick’s and Best Buy
    have open dance floors for
    me.. and the Earth
    Store.. and Spencer Gifts
    are small stores packed with
    stuff.. a challenge for soft small
    controlled moves and the same
    with mastery over covering longer
    distances of dance.. and Seville Quarter
    has gotten so popular that there is rarely
    room to express my human potential to dance
    there like i used to do.. before they eliminated
    smoking there.. and the participation on Thursday
    nights is literally going through the roof.. oh yeah..
    and that reminds me.. a cross dresser dude.. who
    is there every Thursday too.. at age 52.. who actually
    lives in backwards Milton like i do too.. told me he saw
    me and my wife at Food Outlet.. and when i told him
    my wife was 46.. he said.. oh God no.. she looks like
    she is in her twenties.. and thought i was about
    35.. and i told him.. sure.. Dance and Positive
    energy is the liGht Fountain of youth.. as sure..
    stress kills.. it literally shortens
    the telomeres of your
    Chromosomes.. and
    if you don’t think they can
    be regenerated.. perhaps you
    have not seen the before and after
    pictures of me in hell vs.. heaven..
    and perhaps i’ll share them again..
    like i did on my June 6th of 2016
    56th Grand Cross 56 Macro
    Verse this Summer
    on this VERSE
    too.. in case
    folks are thinking
    this is all talk and not
    iSReAL trUth and liGht..
    now.. you see.. when you get
    all stressed out with negative fear
    stress about anything in life.. you are
    just not only killing your health but aging
    yourself as you go.. it’s just not that worry does
    no good.. it literally ages you and kills you toward a
    premature death from heaven as you go.. i do selfies
    much more than vain reasons.. i take photos to prove
    that both God and the Higher power of God existS in
    me as nows go on.. Jack LaLanne towing
    boats across bays in his 60’s when
    his peers were smoking cigars
    and drinking beers.. couch
    potato living their lives
    away in office chairs too..
    already proved this theory
    of the fountain of relative youth
    is real and obtainable across the
    living life spans of human beings..
    he simply moved all his life.. and
    kept his muscles strong.. no less than
    our Arthur Noble Golden Eyed Brown
    Tabby who jumped with ease to the
    counter for food.. almost until age 20..
    when poor Moby.. who was raised as a domesticated
    couch potato with all you can treats.. couldn’t lift himself
    up with complications from type two cat diabetes at the
    tender age of under 10.. nah.. couldn’t even lift himself
    up to take a shit on the FucKinG Floor.. it was a habit
    that his first owners gave to him.. when he was young..
    before.. and it is well worth noting that it is a habit that
    our culture as whole is giving to children now who are
    at 33 percent assessed in clinical studies as
    having pre-type two diabetes as metabolic
    syndrome in FuckInG grade school..
    use or lose.. Bottom Guide line..
    all the dreams of heaven
    after life ain’t gonna
    change the hell
    of not using
    life on Earth..
    and hell no.. neither
    of my parents were thin..
    both were overweight most of their
    life.. and i would be too.. if i didn’t do
    life like an Olympic athlete as ease.. in other
    words.. i move freely.. not injuring myself in one
    way of walk and no way of pounding my joints on
    the road of run.. and at age 56.. i can provide the
    empirical evidence as form.. head to toe.. that although
    i don’t tow boats across the bay at age 60.. i do dance
    230 LBS now.. close to 6 thousand miles in three years
    as balance on terrestrial land.. books that don’t believe
    that live is now.. can sure.. make heaven as hell on earth
    now.. and they do.. and they do.. and they do.. in up to
    crucifying life over dead lies of prophets of evil.. as
    interpreted loosely as one can do when language..
    is not crystal clear and concrete as it rarely is..
    amazing that folks would look to words..
    that are always somewhat vague
    as proof for God.. that’s why
    i take photos.. hips and
    eYes and Flowers do not lie..
    for at least those with an i am
    discerning eye for TruTh and liGht..
    one or the other.. riGht or lEfT WiLL do fine..
    oh and that drag queen dude.. he is the only
    one who has ever spoke to the Unconditional Love
    of God as the highest power gifted in human as
    any human.. spoken to.. at that dance club with
    me yet.. so as Joni Mitchell says.. i will continue
    to see God in the Church of Dance over
    church of many truths in light..
    but quiet a few that are
    anything but quiet in loud
    oF lies in dARk for
    only dollars bills
    and stuff of
    tax free
    And yeah.. the
    Passion FlowerS as
    presented in this Macro-
    Verse Memory from two years
    ago.. are in bloom full at my home now2..
    in my Garden of Eden @Heavenow iSREaL..:)

    Grand Cross 56

    Renaissance Selfie Disrobing

    And yes ..finAlly Screens Scream Again.. as my continued
    patronizing of the dVerse Poet’s Pub to do stuff
    tHeir short ways.. expands to the next
    Macro-Verse as my human potential
    does too.. and this hinderance
    to creativity will end soon
    after this.. as i will
    be deleted from
    using the site.. after
    i challenge the censorship of
    mY creative poetic metaphors of
    meaning for a theme of change from
    escaping the lies of culture to a desert
    Isle of TrUth and liGht away from those lies
    as phoenix rising from the ashes change will do..
    anyway.. they said it had to be about literal change
    and not metaphorical change.. like it wasn’t real in poetic
    words of real life experience and change i was speaking too..
    anyway.. it went way over their head.. and they went as far
    as suggesting they couldn’t figure out where my draft of comments
    section and the my limited poem then started.. to appease them short as
    of September 15th of 2015 last year then.. and sure.. the greatest
    thing about witnessing for God in real time online.. is all there
    is evidence of what happened in words.. it was really sad
    that i had poetically took the time and effort to respond
    to every single prompt and link in that online
    club of poets.. and i was treated like
    this when their main bitch
    as far as administration
    goes is they don’t get enough
    likes and comments from visits
    of other folks on their poems.. i FucKinG
    liked them all.. i literally made it a practice to
    like them and get inspired even if i had to read A
    FucKinG poem 15 times to get inspired.. and i accomplished
    that with Will over Unconditional and Fearless Love.. but i did
    too much Fearless Love and they attempted to put their Dog collars
    of limits and Domesticated Cats with all you can eat easy on me..
    FucK no.. that Desert Isle Metaphor was just a prophecy of what
    was to come.. just like the Wrong Planet where they banned
    me for doing too much there.. too creatively.. i just used
    that as inspiration to make even more FucKinG liGht
    on my Desert Isle Ocean Whole Poem.. and
    no.. did not let it stop me from commenting
    then.. another 6 months on every FucKinG Prompt
    and link.. and only a handful ever took the time
    to visit me and even say hello.. as it was too hard
    for them to do that.. if it wasn’t so easy to find me
    among the other links.. anyway.. the thing about modern
    cultures is.. it takes away our humanity and i have also empirically
    measured that as witness for God too.. as you might see i was once weak
    A WiNk ‘link as canary in the coal mine.. too.. but now i am the canary who
    swallowed the Lion against Fear
    came out
    on the other
    end of courAge
    as the phoenix
    rises from the ashes same..
    and the cool thing is.. it reAlly aLL went down
    down for real and i can FucKinG prove iT aLL
    line by line.. word by word.. 12 million words
    close to all.. and around 100K photos or so too..
    with video accomplices to go along with all that TrUth and liGht..
    so sure.. here is a link to the proof of that too.. in “Desert i’LL
    Change” from 9152015.. and the link says 30347
    as i was aways running in a hurry to meet their
    demands to participate then..
    i go my own way..
    iT has alWays worked
    out better when i don’t
    try to fit myself into the
    boxes of rules of smaller UniVerses
    than what i see @least of all that is GoD iSREaL NOW..
    iN my UniVerse at lEAst and most of i Am that is mE noW..:)

    Desert i’LL Change

    Yeah.. all good court reporters wRite all the evidence down.. as SonG..
    but sTill.. suRe.. i enjoy being God’s Cheerleader WitH DancE.. even more..
    as the photo documentation of ALL THAT IS continues to empiricAlly sHow..:)

    Screen Screams Again

  8. SMiLes.. my FriEnd thefeathered Candy
    Sleep.. i thiNk a lot.. but i FeeL and seNse
    more.. and no matter how the child comes..
    the lust is worth the life..
    and sure.. my wife
    is proof of that
    as she
    was born
    upon the Navy
    as it sails from seas
    of exotic countries that
    mix with American Indians
    and Irish.. and Pacific Islanders
    of other lands there.. and surely
    a blessing it was to know nothing of
    sex until age 16.. as the lust was widely
    dispersed.. and had no one destination to go..
    and along that way.. i learned to love with eYes and
    heARt.. a shine.. that would dim but come bacK iSreal
    stronger than
    ever before..
    and now i finAlly
    can make words thaT
    reflect those eYes of liGht..
    innocent with no lure for owner
    ship of eYes or HeARt as more than
    tHaT moistT place for sweLLs of urGent..
    anyWay.. i truly feel sorry for those
    folks who have never fELt the
    Love that never ends of
    heArt oF SpiRit
    that FeeLs
    and moves
    with never leSs
    BaLanCinG miNd
    And.. BoDy soUL..
    thaN giving.. more..
    a Lamp of Love that
    gives that gives more
    as turn me on means
    light you up more and more iSREAL..
    in a day in the life of meaLL and more to come..:)

  9. In all the dArk that comes..
    iN all the liGht that goes..
    dArk and liGht
    live in both..
    i suppose i am a little
    liGht heavy in this verse.. so
    i must pay some respect to the
    dARk that can be ark to take
    one to greater liGhts as they
    understand better the dArk in otHeRs
    all so trUe and false too.. hmm.. i’ve
    been to A dArkest place of all wHere one
    sees a beloved and most beloved relative choking
    on a piece of bread and when the heARt.. the sPiRit..
    is so dead.. there is no miNd and BoDy BaLanCe leFt aT
    all as soUL.. and any pain in messed up broken down stressed
    killed brain.. feels like pleasure.. as that is all that is
    left is pain.. hmm.. watch it.. the dArk is
    not a place ya wanna play..
    a place wHere Serial
    killer lust for pain..
    and misery
    of their
    human beings
    who are only a tool
    and aid to help get them
    by.. just one more moment of
    hell of empty.. where cannibals
    eat other humans just to feel and
    fill anything of the emptiness of the
    souL.. wHere food becomes love
    and love is literally food
    in human
    and blood..
    hmm.. i can smell
    the psychopath from
    so.. so far away.. as i can
    sense and feel the soul that
    no longer feels a heARt of anything
    more than bLack.. than bLack and cOld..
    Well.. it’s not easy stARting out as an Angel
    as sure as my first Baby Avatar of Aghogday
    does portray.. the one.. put uP on December 25th
    Christmas day in hopes the liGht would come back
    one day back then in 2010.. when the empty shells
    of words without a feel of life for me started to come
    in journey back from hell then.. and along the way..
    spArks of the dArk.. once i rose back to humanity
    as flower.. did appear here and there.. as
    sudden rage over what
    would not have
    ever bothered
    me before..
    like someone
    shooting me a bird..
    me looking at them
    with those devil eyes
    of before.. them challenging
    me with a head butt in a bar..
    and me suddenly choking them
    into submission before i said
    the joker is just joking with
    you.. years ago now this
    happened.. and that
    darK sparK
    been extinguished
    complete.. but until a
    another dude who was a homophobe
    then tried to bootie dance with me..
    and i pushed him ‘lightly’ all the
    way across the floor on HIS butt then..
    per se.. not even realizing the strength
    that would come from that moment then.. yes..
    i am careful now to restrain.. i focus on Love
    all the time.. that is always now of heaven now..
    yet.. i aM human and i understand the dArk side all
    too well thaT day i first could not feel anything of emotions
    and i screamed to the ceiling like that portrait of Scream..
    like a demon on Fire asking help from God that i could NOT..
    no.. longer sense or feel at all either.. in a drain of sink
    that never ends in bottom of darkness with not a Lazarus
    drop to drink.. the thing is.. there are places
    there are places.. there are places
    that exist that you never ever
    wanna go.. and never
    ever dismiss
    that can come
    in real Evil from
    a human soul
    that has gone
    away to the
    Styx of
    point so
    dim that even
    black hole suns
    cannot enter dArk..
    as dark as the human
    heARt.. SpiRit and soUL
    can die as liFe as dArk.. the
    thing is.. i didn’t wanna go to hell..
    and quite honestly i didn’t do anything
    more than never saying no when the demands
    of others as people pleaser me only said yes.. yes..
    drive the stake in my heart more.. yes yes.. make
    me a Vampire so cold in 3 am street lights like
    liGht is dArk and deaTh the same as sunlight
    hell of once liGht as only pleasure more..
    where all is polar opposite of what
    came before.. all is bLack
    and bLack
    is whitE.. iT
    iS no wonder that
    sacred texts speak of
    devil’s and hell’s and angel’s
    and heaven’s too.. weLL.. Here’s
    the thing.. i’Ve done ’em all and that
    makes me somewhat of an iSREAL specIal
    Witness for God now.. when it’s iSREAL2..
    the good news is.. there are iSREAL more ways
    to stay out of heathen hell.. now too.. all i can do
    is show
    way through..
    if you ever get
    tHeir you’ll have to
    likely find your own way
    out.. preventative medicine
    of SonG and DancE is the best
    way for me with laughs and smiles.. hehe..
    anyway.. the song i was looking for was not
    and is not by Rihanna it was/is by 21 Pilots instead.. calling
    out to me.. calling out to the devil and hell that was once me2..:)

    So.. anyWay.. short story at the end of the longer
    one.. at the bar on Thursday night..
    as a Participant Observer
    Anthropologist for God
    of course.. i am in the
    stall taking a
    piss and installing
    my ear plugs and putting
    the plastic back.. they are
    in.. back in my pocket and i over
    hear two dudes at the other place
    of latrine way talking about domination
    of woman as they always do.. just for the
    place between their legs.. and they start
    talking about size and motion of the ocean
    and stuff limited to that place of the
    human pArt of life now..
    so i come out and say
    if you really wanna
    make women
    and ha.. it ain’t
    like the old days of
    timid Fred at 180 Lbs
    at 2001 in the disco 80’s days
    then.. wHere no.. i rarely said
    anything to anyone then.. 230 Lbs
    now.. dark shades and a body that moves
    like a Black Panther/Batman.. late at night..
    yeah.. they didn’t say anything.. not
    a thing.. and when i was talking about
    coming.. i was talking about coming
    back to talk to you again..
    as surely if any
    of the women
    out there
    knew how
    these dudes
    truly felt about
    them.. in there.. surely they
    wouldn’t say much back again.. yes..
    and truth be told they don’t as these
    dudes just drink the night away mostly and
    never even get a smile from the opposite sex..
    women have feelers for this.. don’t you know..
    F E E L..
    best of
    both worlds
    liGht and dARk..
    AS ANY DARK KnIGHT GloWs..;)

    Sure.. i could switch back to devil and
    hell in heart beat if need be.. only
    difference now would be.. i would be
    a strong
    than a weak
    one then.. when i was so sick..
    i’ll keep the Angel for Good
    MeaSure of liGht now for sure..
    and keep the devil
    and hell
    iN my
    juST iN cAse..
    and if people could
    really see and feel where
    i’Ve been.. let’s juST.. say.. they
    would alWays step away.. in fear.. to
    beyond fear.. where even demons never tRead..:)

  10. Celebrating my Uncle Bob’s Birthday..
    with his two sons.. on the left..
    Bobby and David.. and
    My Uncle Ted.. who
    is the Identical surviving
    Twin Brother of my Father..
    his son.. Teddy.. here next to me..
    and of course i am the crazy/
    eccentric/other cousin.. hehe..
    And yes.. celebrating my
    42 months of meaning
    of LiFe.. 3.3 million plus
    word longest
    long form
    poem ever
    too.. and now moving
    to the day after that on the
    911 day.. with a publish of
    ‘After Book oF Fred’.. on
    912.. 2016.. with much
    more to come.. but i’M
    kinda really sleepy now..
    so nite nite now arrives..:)

  11. Rise.. i haven’t used that song yet in this
    Macro-Verse.. as i have in almost every one..
    since the Song came out by Katy Perry..
    WeLL.. trUly.. iT says iT aLL
    for me..
    iT could be the
    bible of my entire
    life.. so why.. would someone
    write 12 million words in 6 years..
    so.. why.. would someone write the
    Longest Long Form Poem ever.. including
    a pre-6 months of one blog expanding
    to several more for 3 years writing
    the Longest Long Form Poem for
    36 more months
    at 3.3M words
    plus.. now..
    ending with
    42 months whole..
    on September.. 10th 2016
    and now the day after 911 in the
    ‘After Book oF Fred’ Macro-Verse
    to journal.. to document.. to celebrate all
    of that and more in giving ways.. so.. why the
    FucK would any middle age happily married man
    do Nude art in literally scores of thousands of photos
    spread across the world.. in restricted adult links of course..
    and dance 126 weeks now on college night with a 1000 or
    so selfies with smiling ear to ear college age females with
    some of their male friends.. accompanying them too..
    and yeah.. why the FucK.. would someone dance
    a free style of martial arts and ballet-like dance
    in every public place they travel in their
    metro area for 6 thousand miles
    in three years..
    iF you can’t understand
    that.. chances are.. you haven’t been
    to hell.. and sure.. i can understand why it
    would be hard for most people to understand
    why i do all of this.. for almost.. 6 years now..
    for zero green bLack Dollar bills..
    not even a FucKinG
    Penny on the
    as it were
    and is still now..
    Go back to March then..
    of 2008.. in the middle
    of lent with almost no sleep
    for 40 days.. 1 hour each night
    for the first 35.. with the help of
    an Alpha Blocker to slow my heart
    rate down enough to rest my head
    in card-board shallow barely sleep
    for that 1 hour each night.. and the last
    5 of 40 days in deepest empty nothing
    where a thousand years lasts one second
    of hell.. no sleep at all.. well.. the world record
    for no sleep at all is 264 hours aka 11 days exactly..
    was what i did more hell of torture than that.. well.. now
    considering all the disorders i had that were invisible to
    others.. experienced inside.. it was a hell that only i could
    share with the God left within.. that i could not even feel but pain..
    and nothing at all at the bottom of that place.. of ISREaL HeLL then..
    and for 66 months all to be.. Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia.. Dysautonomia..
    Sjogren’s Syndrome.. where my eyes quit making tears all together.. Fibromyalgia..
    Severe Degenerative Arthritis in my spine.. and Spinal stenosis.. Anhedonia and
    associated Severe Depression.. PTSD.. Panic Attacks.. Severe Anxiety.. Mood
    Lability.. Alexithymia.. a side helping of Asperger’s on the Side on the
    Autism Spectrum too.. Coat Hanger Pain associated with
    Dysautonomia.. where the blood pressure and heart
    rate was no longer being properly
    controlled by the
    Autonomic Nervous
    system.. and blood was
    having problems getting to my
    brain.. and i was having problems breathing
    and my heart rate was up and down and out of
    control with my blood pressure too.. keeping in
    mind.. that most of this wasn’t diagnosed for
    years until after the hell started back
    then.. no one could understand why
    i would gasp for breath every time
    i nodded off to sleep.. or see
    the dentist drill in my
    eye and ear
    no painkiller
    or drugs to work
    for type two Trigeminal
    Neuralgia.. the worst pain..
    assessed that pain worse than
    crucifixion for 66 months from
    wake to sleep in hell too.. all invisible
    disabilities.. except eventually the measures
    of my eyes making no tears.. still invisible to
    others with the unaided medical tools of diagnosis
    for all of this too.. and during that sleepless period
    of total separation of mind and body soUL with
    others and the rest of Nature
    aka God whole..
    as i only
    for someway..
    somehow.. someone.. then..
    to just put me down as they
    would do with a suffering animal
    then too.. but you see.. folks.. most
    folks thought it was just in my head..
    pull your boot-straps up.. other folks have
    it worse.. don’t you know.. you have plenty
    of money to get you by.. you should be so happy
    don’t you know.. don’t you know.. i am in hell.. haven’t
    i told you in so many words.. i know you can’t see it but
    hell is in here.. please.. please.. please just put me down
    easy.. please.. please.. please.. and people wonder why i
    spent the extra money.. on gas.. to put Moby to sleep.. so he
    wouldn’t struggle with an injection to be put down then.. i know
    the feel.. right before you die but you aren’t dead yet.. and all you
    wanna do is get it over with please.. as death is the greatest blessing
    ever.. thank you God for that.. please let me have it okay.. anyway.. at one of
    the lowest points where i was suffocating and could not breathe.. my Uncle Bob..
    who we just celebrated his birthday with us yesterday.. called me on the phone
    while i was suffocating.. and we rarely received calls from him over
    the years.. but when i broke down at age 21.. he was the only
    one from that side of the family who reached out..
    and wanted me to still be a part of the
    family then.. in expressing
    that at least.. and he
    admitted to having some
    problems of his own with
    depression in his life.. said..
    he would do anything to help me..
    drive 80 miles and take me to the hospital..
    whatever i needed and.. my father just told
    me everything would be okay.. and that was it..
    when i first got sick.. and somehow that show
    of concern.. helped me to regain my breath and
    perhaps in someway it saved my life then.. as
    i was sure it was gone then.. and during
    some panic attacks before that..
    as this physiological issue
    of Dysautonomia.. will
    definitely make
    panic attacks
    come on that are
    totally physiological
    in nervous.. cardio.. and
    respiratory in nature of
    all FucKeD Up and broke
    inside.. from head to toe
    in body system way.. and by
    the end of that 40 days with no sleep
    a place where i could not pull another thought
    out of my head.. a place where i went to beyond..
    beyond so far.. where there are no words to describe that
    place even if i had them.. then.. to describe them.. and i was
    sure i died but i woke up in the hospital.. with a mega-shot of
    Ativan.. in a trance state that somehow allowed me to control
    the pain.. enough.. to finally heaven sleep.. sure.. 4 MG a day
    of that stuff.. just to sleep with that pain for months to come.. then..
    and a full 66 months to get off that drug for sleep.. and eventually
    come back to life with no pain.. from the ashes like a Phoenix..
    i rise again.. as rose of flower iSReAL LiVinG aGaIn.. at
    the end of July 2013.. around the 22nd of that month
    then.. so what would you do if you went to hell for 66
    months.. and somehow God of Nature
    showed you how to get out..
    where modern
    medicine said
    we can’t do anything
    for you.. like my rheumatologist..
    there is no drug i have to help you..
    so.. go home.. and don’t come back..
    Psychiatrist the same.. no drug for hell..
    General Practice Physician too.. nothing
    for you.. and frigging Neurologist that said..
    you have shaky hands.. they can give you something
    for that looking at me like it was all in my head.. FucK..
    it was in my head.. FucK.. don’t you even know there noW
    is such a thing.. as.. Atypical Facial Pain.. also known
    as Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia.. well.. let’s put it this
    way.. i have little faith in the Medical Profession.. and sure..
    thank God for that Ativan.. but i have 100% Faith.. Hope
    and Belief in God that lives within.. the who of me
    inside.. that is God same as the who of you
    who is God same of you.. the innate..
    instinct and intuition.. that heals
    animals in the woods.. sTiLL..
    and the pArt of me you see
    when you see and hear me
    DAncE and SinG.. and last night
    i didn’t dance for my Uncle.. as i already
    showed him that on my Grand Cross 56 birthday
    last June.. i did something new.. THAT side of the
    family has never heard.. my cousin Teddy.. who is a professional
    musician.. played the guitar.. and most everyone was too shy to
    sing but me.. but you see.. i have no fear now.. as perhaps all
    that pain was as they say fear leaving my body with
    the metaphor of Kundalini Rising too..
    where all my emotions are
    regulated.. all senses
    and now sure i would
    have a video of that to share..
    but my wife was too shy to do it in
    front of all the family last night.. i don’t need
    anything.. i have everything.. that is my life..
    if you don’t understand the value of your life..
    perhaps.. you would.. if you went where i went..
    and do i need anything.. other than a breath of life..
    folks who can’t breathe.. understand what they need..
    folks who cannot love.. may not understand what they
    miss.. i loved before.. and i got that ability to love again..
    when you lose it all.. you know you are God as PaRt as
    WhOle when you come back aGaIN.. and perHaps as
    dArk as heLL was for you then.. WiLL be as BriGht
    as Heaven.. you do your God dam best to give to
    others.. as God already Damned you to
    hell and gave you the
    WITH LOVE.. but please.. before you judge anyone..
    from Adolph Hitler.. to a grain of sand.. remember
    that all of that is God.. and all pArts.. dARk..
    and liGht.. and ‘tween in hues of colors
    and shades of grey.. are GoD
    oNe AS WhOLe.. and the
    worst pARt oF all
    as aRt and
    PArt.. is
    separate now..
    from God in beyond
    dArkness truly iSREaL
    DAMNED TO HELL.. and that
    too is pARt of God.. like it or not..
    tHeRe is no escape from the potential
    of living both hell and heaven in one life..
    as that gift of life.. and survival.. is the basic
    tenant of both meaning and purpose in liFe ISReaL
    all costs.. all benefits
    LiFE iSREaL..:)

  12. WeLL.. as alWays.. the river of
    creativity that can be me.. is full
    and exploding with stuff to say..
    AnD.. i’ll start off now with another thanks
    to the Facebook Video Production Assistant
    in helping me construct a nice slide show.. highlighting
    an extremely busy weekend of the 10th and 11th
    of September.. 2016.. in celebrating everything..
    all the time now.. and alWays Heaven noW..
    just ’cause i Can and WiLL.. and of course
    My Uncle Bob’s Birthday too.. with
    highlights more..
    coming in
    the photo stream
    photo book.. along with
    the 702nd Macro-Verse titled
    “After Fred Book”.. of Ocean Whole
    Poem long and of course a full 42 months
    of Witnessing for the God ALL of Nature..
    for all i kNOw and SenSE and FeeL.. and
    yes.. much.. much more to come.. in the
    coming years too.. hmm.. no limits
    of 42 for me.. for the meaning
    of life as there is alWays
    more to kNow and
    FeeL and SeNSe
    iN God’s
    Nature per se of
    what we flea humans
    cannot see and feel and
    sense of God all that is.. now
    and for so long to come.. forevermore
    now.. is a very long now.. now.. so i continue
    to SinG the ‘SonG oF mY soUL’ here too.. and
    sure.. i went with Alice and Wonderland themed shirt
    today.. as last night was kinda the return of a prodigal
    Son too.. for not seeing some of my relatives where like
    Batman i kinda fell off the face of the Earth.. and disappeared
    like a magic trick me.. for over 5 years.. yes.. precisely 66 months
    then.. but you know what Batman’s mentor in those days told him too..
    Fame Sucks.. Go for Legend Batman.. as Legends are never one hit
    wonders.. hehe.. and sure i achieved that about two years into the
    public dance routine at Old Seville Quarter.. named as such
    by the viewing audience who only know me as the
    fearless dancing dude guy.. as Spirit Animal too..
    Legend.. Icon of Metro dAnce.. and one of
    the nicest compliments of all.. from the
    customer service lady at Super
    Walmart.. who said…
    she and her
    Fellow Walmart
    workers say.. whenever
    i go in to dance.. no matter
    what season of the year it is…
    i Bring Spring with me.. hehe.. and
    she doesn’t even know.. i am A iSReAL
    Pan of the ForEst.. hehe.. and it sure was nice
    to see the Good Cop Jesus come back to church again
    today.. with that prodigal story in that form too.. as Loving
    the child who goes away and comes back.. dam sure beats
    last week’s Luke.. Chapter 17 story that says the polar
    opposite.. in hating your children if they don’t
    follow what i tale them to do.. anyway..
    the danger of holding a book
    to the sky and worshipping
    every page of it.. is no
    different than
    the Golden
    they are
    both idols of human
    beings that attempt to
    approximate and represent
    the essence of God all that is..
    however.. Humans made symbols
    named words.. and turned those words
    into God after God already.. done ‘been here..
    like Forevernow.. to worship words.. is not different
    truly than to worship any other symbol.. in visual image..
    make all stuff in life.. holy and sacred.. and heaven becomes
    now.. say stuff like last prophet and only Son of God.. and you
    get discontent.. doubt.. fear.. and all stuff related to separation
    of hate.. the teachings of Jesus in Golden Rule way.. with
    consuming no other with harm.. is Universal among
    sages of the ages who came centuries
    before he did.. and to worship
    a man.. over what
    works in teachings
    to bring heaven now..
    is to lose the wHOle FucKinG..
    point of the meek shall inherit the
    earth.. and the last will be first.. it’s
    already happening now.. in case ya haven’t noticed..:)

  13. Caution.. Prairie Tale coming..
    with the word Edit only
    hidden by
    E.. for
    Everything.. hehe..
    sure.. poetic.. makes it more
    interesting.. and truly same is boring
    and different is interesting.. per even the
    the tiny book.. i read from cover to cover in
    a matter of super speed reading in a few minutes
    aT the Big B and N.. while dancing Tai-Chi Like-Ballet..
    and listening to my Alan Parson’s Best of Trance inducing
    music too.. to get Laser.. Super Focused from head to toe..
    in Super
    Fly Brain
    and Body as
    it were and sure
    is today.. as practice
    brings more practice in
    dance and steps and words
    too.. in ‘Lucy’-like human potential..
    from the furry me to the online version
    too haha.. weLL.. got news for you.. Good
    News in fAct.. 911 came and went without
    any hitches and only the new fACT i’M fiXin’
    to preSent.. juSt ’cause i can and WiLL as i live
    in a new age now.. wHere yes! God yes! the meek
    have finAlly and silently inherited the Earth and the
    last is first.. and i AM juSt a FucKinG poster boy
    for all of that
    hehex2.. of sorts
    as God’s Cheerleader2..
    hmm.. it’s like the tumble weed
    of the Big Lebowski Movie.. the
    911 pArt even with 69 cents
    on the check in the grocery
    store of that movie..
    and sure the
    won.. Trump folks..
    and while you gnash your
    teeth and wring your hands
    we are FucKinG sMiLinG every
    wHeRE wE go.. truly rich.. no matter
    dollar bills or not.. while you worry over
    your FucKinG continued hoarding of stuff..
    as ya might have to share some of ya grain
    stowed up in your silos with the smiling homeless
    dude.. or even A Jesus who has no place to rest wHeRe
    you live.. thanks God.. yes.. the place of exclusion.. the
    place limited to Southern Baptist church walls and i use that
    example.. for the ex-Cheerleader Lady.. my wife went to school
    with.. graduating in ’88.. still looking CheerLeader good.. with bleached
    blonde hair and pancaked face.. and that’s okay.. as dress it up baby..
    and those work-out shorts still looked truly fertile i must say.. only
    in analytical way of course.. hehe.. so anyway.. the Alice in
    Wonderland dude.. after already doing a Marathon
    of Dance in public places across the weekend
    long.. and i might add.. hitting the 5950
    milestone mark.. that surely will
    hit 6000 miles in three
    years by the
    Fall Equinox..
    for the next big
    celebration coming
    in milestone blog way..
    anyWays.. miss prim and
    proper work-out shorts lady..
    exclaims to her son as i am
    passing by.. get here quick son..
    to her child.. there are too many
    weird folks in here.. now of course
    i had my head phones on.. considering
    all of my NoW WAY WAY OUT OF THE BOX
    DANCE ACTIVITIES.. which of course she
    has no way of kNoWing how far and deep
    and sometimes red hot.. my activities
    do go online too.. hehe.. but
    yes.. since she said there
    are too many weird
    folks in here..
    i immediately
    turned around as i had
    passed her and heard her clearly
    as i ain’t got no music on yet.. hehex2..
    and as we kNow.. the iPhone ear buds
    are designed well not to totally stuff your
    ears up.. so.. you can hear cars coming
    up on ya and stuff like that when you are
    driving your bike and running and all of that..
    So.. go i back quickly to the aisle her son was visiting
    by the Halloween stuff.. and sure enough there are
    a mix of Walmart customers.. who are dressed rather
    differently.. and like totally relaxed in their night clothes
    and other the Dude off the Big Lebowski Movie ways
    of being.. kinda like the Love Version of Jesus who
    truly is the Love Christ.. as opposed to the other
    polar opposite anti-Christ Jesus who exists
    in FucKinG plain site in the New Testament
    for those with Love eyes and ears who
    can see that hating your Parents
    and Brothers and Sisters..
    and Children in
    Luke Chapter
    17.. if they don’t
    follow all of the contradictions
    of the New Testament like it’s even
    possible to Love your enemy and hate
    your FucKinG Children.. Good cop bad
    cop good cop.. what the FucK it’s like the
    FucKinG Joker off the Batman Movie.. live by
    the sword.. die by the sword.. why so serious..
    i bring a sword not peace.. FucK.. people sit
    in the pews and take this shit in.. not paying attention
    of course.. as there are a zillion other problems swimming
    around in the their head.. to meet the Trump money and other
    materialistic goals in life of course.. not even to notice half the God
    Dam time.. that the New Testament is a book of Love and Hate..
    Hope and Fear.. no different than the Old Testament too..
    but when you tale folks you have made a humble
    and zealous carpenter as the good cop
    bad cop Bi-Polar Jesus continues
    into play as a FucKinG God
    of the Universe.. that
    is just a ploy
    that does
    not allow
    you sTiLL
    to question
    the total hypocritical
    Nature of the book from start
    to finish.. however.. in mythology way..
    like all other religions and myths.. there
    is most often the ‘Kali’ part.. you know the
    Angel of Destruction.. the potential devil archetype
    without empathy and compassion that says in tribal
    instinct way.. go team go.. we are the best team and
    your team sucks.. fight team fight.. sit down stand
    up..kneel.. go quarterback Jesus or Muhammad
    go.. no.. it’s our Jesus and not your
    Jesus or this Jesus
    and not that
    Jesus.. Good cop
    bad cop Good cop
    Jesus Merry go around
    and some of us are still
    crucifying others for being different
    or perhaps we are just another bleached
    blonde Babe from The Southern Baptist Church
    with her tight gym shorts on.. making it now clear to
    everyone else that she and her son are the chosen
    ones and everyone else on the other team just plain
    sucks.. anyway.. be careful who you wish for.. as sure.. i have
    a Devil two and a Joker in my back pocket2.. per that song by
    21 Pilots that i shared before1.. you will never ever wanna
    see into the eyes of righteous indignation that live behind
    these sHades.. THE eyes who have seen REAL FUCKING
    HELL HERE ON EARTH.. but no.. when i slowly
    approached her like a Black Panther..
    as they always walk.. as a practice
    of survival.. she would never
    kNow what my eYes
    were thinking..
    but sure..
    could FeeL
    my presence
    of strength and fearless..
    and perHaps.. she’ll think twice
    now before she condemns the weird
    around her as anything but FucKinG
    Clown Fun!.. anyWay.. this is human nature..
    she knows not what she does.. and even science
    documents and provides this too.. as the conservative
    mind sees the world much differently in inhibitions and
    fear than the liberal mind does.. in fearless and party time
    all the relaxed Panther walk and Dance now!.. i would have
    asked her for a dance.. and sure.. back in the old days at
    Seville.. she probably would have gotten a selfie with
    me.. just to show off to ‘some’ of her friends
    the wild thing she saw
    out of the zoo and
    all of that..
    i get
    i understand
    how and why the
    human ticks and rocks..
    i forgive her for what she kNows
    and feels not of what she does..
    i’ve been to hell.. but no.. some
    of these others folks
    who her child
    will go on
    to bully
    in school..
    per the example
    this mother sets haven’t
    weathered the storms i have..
    coming out looking like the statue
    of King David and all of that in the buff…
    hehe.. as it were and is in all my art haha!..
    so perhaps she will think twice.. before she blurts
    out something to her son.. that a real Good Cop Jesus
    might be hearing in the background.. ’cause you kNoW..
    there IS A pArt of her book.. that speaks to coming back in
    glory to judge the living and the dead.. well here’s the thing..
    only God truly Judges as all that is in the end now.. in how we
    iN liGht or DArk of Positive action and consequence
    live our life per the rules and laws of NatUre..
    as there are literally trillions of peptide
    receptors in all the cells of the
    body that are fed either liGht
    or DArk by the relative
    free will of our
    thOughts and
    actions as thoughts
    are simply after effects
    of the affect of how we feel
    about the world in pro or con
    social emotions.. live life in fear..
    anger and hate.. and become the
    dArk of that.. live life in Hope.. Peace
    and Love and become the Dude from
    the Big Lebowski show come back again..
    perhaps in a grocery store.. writing a check
    on 911 for 69 cents.. Remember Horatio.. God
    is bigger than your book or the walls of your church..
    God is the Force that lives in a grain of sand and quite
    Frankly.. the red tip end of my penis.. to put it as FRANkly
    as i can.. and will.. to separate anything as holy and sacred
    as any pARt of the Body of God from head to toe.. to tip of that
    in whatever colors it comes.. from seas to shining seas.. to the
    farthest galaxy of mind and body and beyond space.. distance now
    and time that has never been explored.. is to live less than we
    can in the greatest grace that is the gift of life now..
    use it or lose it..
    i use it all
    and i thrive..
    no.. i don’t just survive
    i thrive.. as what most folks
    might refer to weird and a lazy
    bum too.. but here’s the deal..
    Go TEAM
    LIGHT GO..
    RA TEAM RA..:)

  14. Now..
    Let’s see..
    wHeRe was i..
    hmm.. i.. i wonder
    which way i ought to
    go.. yes.. Facebook..
    Macro-Verse memories now
    from years ago.. i haven’t
    lost them.. after all.. hehe..
    one moment.. please.. NOW while
    i retrieve with second or third
    chorus.. and.. that reminds me..
    a lady i used to work with.. yes..
    Dolores.. whose Spirit animal was
    the Tasmanian Devil of course.. once
    said.. dam.. Fred.. don’t matter what sHit
    you get yourself into.. you always come out
    smelling like Fresh Roses.. or other flowers
    per se.. as i improvise as such as i continue to
    go as Cheshire Cat.. Mad Hatter.. Alice And Wonderland..
    hahahaha! you may have noticed.. i am not all of myself..
    truly.. my smile reaches far on this E-Land never land.. never
    ending story online all.. but remember.. beware the Jabberwocky2..
    and sure.. i come as the March Hare2.. in the year of our Lord 2013..
    so.. i’m here.. since E-Birth.. on Thanks Giving Day of 2010 too..
    hmm.. what next.. oh.. God Yes!
    yes.. back to the Facebook
    Memories fully in Lewis
    Carrol like
    tow… too
    as anything
    goeS in
    pArt of Pan’s
    Woods.. you kNow
    pan of pan
    more more
    to come of that
    aLL iT is.. too..
    so.. here comes some more
    totAlly a-causal related
    memories from a year ago..
    toTally related to today too..
    As Synchronicity continues to pAint
    canvas alWayS now.. wHeRe no distance
    space or time literally existS onlinE.. noW
    as there is no entropy here of notice.. don’t
    you see.. feel.. sense and know.. there is no
    sun or moon.. to light these words.. no golden
    floors.. or pearly gates.. perhaps you just stepped
    into the iSREAL Twilight ZonE Heaven and are not fully aware
    of the looKing gLass you see through if you have arrived here now..
    anyWay.. it’s NoW for juSt anotHeR TeaM ligHT SonG noW.. iF you can
    see and
    hEart the
    cAll of God
    all that is yEt..
    as the team liGht
    members aLL continue to
    ArT and sciEncE all thaT is out..
    to the best of tHeir liGht and hmm..
    somewhat dARk abilities now.. so.. go Lorde2.. at 1:11 pm2..:)

    Jesus F. in Christ.. if i hear that FucKinG Trump commercial
    one more paid commercial YouTube Advertisement about putting
    Freedom in a waLLed lock box..
    i am gonna have
    to ignore it
    even more.. hehe..

    oKAy.. back to the
    regularly unscheduLed program here..
    as now goeS oN.. trUly iSREAL FReED..;)

    Allah’s Karma

    Allah’s Karma as fully titled here..
    Doesn’t need
    a book..
    Positive action
    makes Positive consequence..
    Negative action makes Negative consequence..
    Flow with God of Nature’s Nature as gifted
    as being HUman.. in liGht or go the dArk
    path of relative Free WiLL iSreAL noW..
    Laws of Nature
    God and sAMe
    rule.. break them
    as wave of dARk and
    surf potential hell too..
    hmm.. i’ll go for Ocean
    liGht Heaven iSrEAL noW.. beats
    the other place.. DancE and SonG uP..:)

    Bowling Alley Doughnut Life

    Bowling Alley Doughnut Life..
    Bottom Line..

    Dance Dreams MORE

    Dance Dreams more..
    and that
    reminds me..
    Facebook Friend
    Cortney.. who is also
    a Dancing Friend from
    Seville Quarter shares
    a Facebook Status on looking
    for a job and potential prospects thereof..

    i reply..

    Good Luck..
    i’D hire you
    to Dance but as
    Sia says in terms..
    Of.. Dollar Bills..
    The Pay kinda sucks..
    But it can be thrilling..;)

    And now i say heRe and tHeRe
    anD everyWheRe noW oNE for noW
    evermorenow.. hehe.. liVinG now..

    Yeah.. it’s too bad we cannot
    go back to the forAging of village
    life.. small groups of warm and fuzzy
    feeling humans dancing in the liGht
    of ecstasy moves in connecting
    and creating anew..
    as the midnight
    and full
    around as
    it goes around
    too.. and we do too..
    anyway.. i dream and
    do what i can and will..
    and trust me as Alice says
    now.. sure.. go ask Alice.. hUman
    ImAGinAtiOn.. beats Trump and Hillary
    Paper cut dolls any day of the dance week now..
    i can iMaGiNe anything.. and trUst me.. most oF iT coMes trUe..
    or truSt..
    me not..
    yoUr will
    over free love..
    or not.. my wiLL
    as fearless love.. alWays noW..:)

  15. Now to a few of my
    online friEnds
    who i regularly
    interAct with
    in never
    no fAiL..
    as hey.. juST
    ‘C A U S E..
    i can and WiLL
    over Love as Fearless iSREAL..
    as PerHaps i AM A Wizard oF oZ iSREAL2..;)

    Hmm.. noW if i can just fit the
    10 commandments
    into one of
    i WiLL have
    coveRed all the
    major memes iN hiStory
    oF art SAges.. mostlY online trUe
    and suRE Pentatonix can hELp NoW..
    WiTh that too.. in modern culturE ways too..
    as Jesus.. F iN Christ.. to geT iT aLL doNe
    requires quite a brush to
    cover the canvas
    aS even
    of 12 million
    words of ZilLioNs
    poTenTiaL more to
    cOmE online iSREAL
    iN aLL O’ Unabridged bible
    through hUman eYes groWinG
    moRE as wE sPEAk ‘tiLL more
    folks reach a singularity of clarity
    iF yoU sEEk iN GoD oF couRsE.. noW..:)

    10,000 maniacs won’t be enough; triple it….

    “The believer is happy. The doubter is wise.”

    ~~ Hungarian proverb ~~

    Well.. gigoid… as promised i’m back
    at 2:33 pm.. Central
    Time on January
    12th of 2016..
    and surely
    the happy
    and wise
    are truly
    the one’s who believe
    with 100% faith.. hope and belief..
    my Friend.. in other words they
    not only walK iN liGht
    as Science says..
    they literAlly
    bEcoMe a
    liGht FoRcE
    of hUman BeinG
    as all multi-trillion peptide
    receptors in all cells of the hUman
    body FucKinG ‘forgeT’ all about dArk..
    and seNSE and FeeL.. A Way BeinG
    liGht.. oh.. the science and art my friEnd..
    oh.. the
    thrive alive..
    with fearless love

    “I know a lot of people without brains who do an awful lot of talking.”

    ~~ The Scarecrow, Wizard of Oz ~~

    Hmm.. Fitting in somE ways here too.. my friEnd..

    The Scarecrow listens..
    The Tin man speaks..
    And the Lion Roars..
    when all three beComE
    onE Force of Fearless Love..
    but sure.. without expreSsinG thAT
    for all
    potEnTiaLLy moRe oNE..
    so.. that’s why i for one.. choose
    A role of Cheerleader aS Fearless Love..
    as that my friEnd is the hiGhest hUman Gift
    oF aLL..
    Instrument of
    God oF aLL NaturE now..
    Go.. Team liGht.. Go.. Team RA! Go..:)

    In truth, qui custodiet ipsos custodes?….

    “A human being is a part of the whole, called by us Universe,
    a part limited in time and space.
    He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings
    as something separated from the rest
    –a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.
    This delusion is a kind of prison,
    restricting us to our personal desires
    and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.
    Our task must be to free from this prison
    by widening our circle of compassion
    to embrace all living creatures and the whole nature in its beauty.”

    ~~ Albert Einstein ~~

    Albert Einstein..
    “The Anti-Trump”..

    Need.. i say more..
    sUre.. Y-NoT..
    tHeRe ain’t no
    Trump WallS noW
    around mE..@lEAst
    foR Now.. hehe.. hmm..

    “The world, Govinda, is not imperfect or slowly evolving along a long path to perfection. No, it is perfect at every moment; every sin already carries grace within it, all small children are potential old men, all sucklings have death within them, all dying people — eternal life. It is not possible for one person to see how far another is on the way; the Buddha exists in the robber and the dice player; the robber exists in the Brahmin. During deep meditation it is possible to dispel time, to see simultaneously all the past, present and future, and then everything is good, everything is perfect, everything is Brahman. Therefore, it seems to me that everything that exists is good–death as well as life, sin as well as holiness, wisdom as well as folly. Everything is necessary, everything needs only my agreement, my assent, my loving understanding; then all is well with me and nothing can hurt me. I learned through my body and soul that it was necessary for me to sin, that I needed lust, that I had to strive for property and experience nausea and the depths of despair in order to learn not to resist them, in order to learn to love the world, and no longer compare it with some kind of desired imaginary world, some imaginary vision of perfection, but to leave it as it is, to love it and be glad to belong to it. These, Govinda, are some of the thoughts that are in my mind.”

    — Hermann Hesse, _Siddartha_

    FucKinG LoVe
    FucKinG liNe
    oF Existence..
    as Fearless LoVe noW..:)

    Breaking news: Cop bitten by doughnut….

    “To know that one has enough is to be rich.”
    ~~ Lao Tzu

    IS A state of
    miNd/boDy BaLanCinG
    for scores more then..
    iN thouSands of years..
    people lived on the evening
    Meal Alone and Love..
    MoVinG.. ConNecTinG
    And CreAtinG aNew
    allone they sTarTed the
    neXt day aLL
    for Love Now
    oF LiVinG noW..
    juSt iMaGinE
    oNly NoW
    and group
    greed rules..
    Hmm.. i AM
    the anti-rule..
    LOVE.. FucK the rules of Greed..:)

    “It’s All I have to bring to-day,
    This, and my heart beside,
    This, and my heart, and all the fields,
    And all the meadows wide.
    Be sure you count, should I forget, —
    Some one the sum could tell, —
    This, and my heart, and all the bees
    Which in the clover dwell.”

    ~~ Emily Dickinson ~~

    To do all of liFe
    as poetry
    is to live
    as both
    brush and
    paint as God’s canvas iSREAL..:)

    “I am an optimist. It does not seem too
    much use being anything else.” — Winston Churchill

    for me too..
    When in hell do
    not FucKinG do
    as the Romans do..;)

    Milton, Florida..
    June 6th, 1960..
    born in iSREaL U.S.A… heLL..
    Also K A New Jerusalem..
    on July
    22nd, 2013..;)

    My tombstone

    And yes.. Milton,
    Florida.. was named
    Hell first.. ’cause oF aLL
    the briars on the River
    Banks of literAlly wHere i lived down town..

    As alWays..
    back uP
    and beWitch
    the ‘competition’..
    oF DArk as darK..:)

    All caught up to you
    mY FriEnd.. gigoid.. at 3:16 p.m..
    September 12th, 2016.. noW..
    if tHeRe ever could be a Good
    Cop Jesus.. you.. My FriEnd
    would be one
    of his


    i roamed the neighborhood
    bLock with sHades at 3:33 am..
    every night for years.. the street lights
    were not as briGht as my computer screen of
    pain.. to E-Scape to Nature dArk each niGht.. then..
    and one niGht.. a voice within spoke in a language
    thaT was no words aT aLL.. FeeLinG SenSinG
    within lived
    liGht agAin..


    desserts only kNow..

  16. Wings of Light

    Hello.. my FriEnd.. Prajakta..
    it can sometimes be lonely
    to trUly have WinGs liGht..
    but every once
    in a while a
    another bird
    flies by now to
    let you kNow/FeeL
    you are not alone..
    and through the last
    several years.. trUly
    in a storm of wings..
    of writing..
    you were
    only one of
    few to only you..
    who consistently
    dropped by my blog
    site.. and let me know
    you came by with at least
    a like.. this writing adventure..
    as far as the human touch goes..
    has been truly a challenge.. while real
    life.. is full of the human touch now.. i am
    tempted to leave this all behind.. as i’ve created
    milestones and completed them.. same as E-Scaping
    pain with these words from the stARt.. but it is only a
    few folks like you
    who now convince
    me to stay around
    a little longer at lEast..
    i appreciate you.. my FriEnd..
    and this is a poem you write
    that touches my soul
    the most..
    as i end
    my pursuit
    in writing foR Now..
    for clarity as purpose..
    for the meaning of liFe..
    just to DancE and SinG mY
    friEnd.. the thing is.. i can do that
    in real life now.. and i’M not sure now
    why i am not doing that more.. my neXt
    stop to liGht a lamP.. perHaps morE.. noW.. outside..:)

    And in conclusion i say now..


    Oh.. yeah..
    cRap.. aLmost
    foRgET.. i dedicate
    thiS.. to my moTher as noW
    withouT her love tHeRe iS
    no way i could have bEcome
    A Love Flu.. hehe.. sUre..
    iN most everyWay..
    aS noW.. Anew.. Now
    reNew.. So hEars
    to HeLen.. this..
    go ’round.. Merry..
    at age 17.. coming out
    of the Santa Rosa Sound..
    And sure.. i’LL2 continue giving
    somEway.. somEhow.. somEnoW anYWay i Go..;)

  17. Pingback: After Book oF Fred | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

  18. Pingback: 6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

  19. Pingback: Grand Cross Bible 2016 | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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